YOGYAKARTA - In daily life, most people after that need the services of the banking sector for financial services. Therefore, so customers are a privilege. The reason is, not everyone can then become customers or bank customers and access various financial products and investment products. Want to know what types of customers are banks? Follow it until it's finished, yes!

If you are a business owner, so bank clients will definitely then become a necessity. You will need various bank products to manage business finances. Then, what exactly does that mean by customers?

Understanding Customers

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), customers are people who are usually related to or become bank customers (in terms of finances).

In fact, the term customer itself does not only refer to bank customers. The insurance company will also use the term customer, namely the person who becomes the insurance premium payer. In addition, there are several interpretations of customers according to experts.

So, simply put, it can be said that customers are customers of a bank or insurance.

Understanding Customers According To Experts

The following are some interpretations of customers for experts.

According to Pardede (2004)

Pardede said that customers are people who entrust their money management to banks to be used in banking business operations, which after that expect money-shaped rewards for these deposits.

According to Gaspersz, (in Nasution 2004)

According to Gaspersz, customers are everyone who demands something from the company to then meet certain quality standards that will have an impact on the company's performance.

According to the Financial Services Authority

For the Financial Services Authority, customers are individuals or entities that use or receive bank facilities, both in the form of products or services.

According to Boediono (2003)

According to Boediono, customers are people who are obliged to get serious attention and concern in terms of organizations that are oriented towards them so that after that they are able to survive during the competition period, the quality will get higher

I. Professional Customers

Customers will be classified into professional customers if the customer has a description of the characteristics, features, and risks of the structured product. There are also professional customers, consisting of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia or other governments.

II. Bank is also a multilateral development institution

Companies with a capital of more than IDR 20,000,000,000, - (twenty billion rupiah) or their equivalence in foreign currencies and have carried out business activities for at least 36 consecutive months.

III. Central Bank or Foreign Bank Negeri

Companies engaged in the financial sector which then consist of banks, securities companies, finance companies as well as futures traders as long as this is not contrary to the laws and regulations that apply in the banking sector, the capital market sector, the field of financing institutions and the prevailing commodity future trade.

IV. Retail Customers

Retail customers are customers who are not included in professional and eligible customers. Structured Products is a form of Bank products which is a merger between 2 (two) or more financial instruments in the form of non-derivative financial instruments with derivatives.

V. Eligible Customers

Eligible customers are customers who can be classified as professional customers if these customers have an understanding of the characteristics, features, and risks of structured products. Customers with this kind of classification after that consist of:

Individual customers with relic portfolios in cash form, giro, savings of at least Rp. 5,000,000,000 (five billion rupiah).

Industry engaged in finance is in the form of pension funds or insurance industries as long as it is not contrary to laws and regulations in the field of pension funds and insurance businesses that apply. Industry with a capital of at least IDR 5,000,000,000, - (five billion rupiah) or equivalent in foreign currency after that has carried out activities for at least 12 consecutive months.

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