JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono opened his voice about the news that he would serve as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the elected presidential cabinet, Prabowo Subianto.

So, how did the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries respond to this?

"No Comment. We are no comment hehehe," Trenggono said with a smile after a press conference at the Indonesia Aquaculture Business Forum 2024 at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta, Monday, April 29.

Trenggono was also reluctant to answer when asked if he had met Prabowo Subianto.

However, on March 21, 2024, he is known to have uploaded a photo containing congratulations to Prabowo and his deputy, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who was officially appointed by the KPU as the winner of the 2024 presidential election.

"Congratulations to Mr. @prabowo and Mas @gibran_rakabuming as President and Vice President elected 2024-2029. Hopefully always be trustworthy and healthy so that Indonesia can be fair and forward in the future," Trenggono wrote in a post on his official Instagram account @swtrenggono.

The second photo in the upload also contained a portrait of him shaking hands with Prabowo at the KKP office. However, Trenggono did not answer when asked about this.

"This (take care of) lobster first," he continued as he walked away laughing.

The General Election Commission (KPU) officially appointed presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as the winner of the 2024 General Election.

The determination is based on KPU Minutes Number 218 / PL.01.08-BA / 05/2024 concerning the Determination of the Results of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections, Members of the DPR, Members of the DPD, as well as Members of the Provincial DPRD and Regency/City DPRD in the 2024 General Election.

"The number of valid votes for presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, H Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as many as 96,214,691 votes," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari at the KPU office, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 20.

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