Reviewing Nickel Smelter In Luwu, Jusuf Kala: Has Started Production And Uses Local Workers
Jusuf Kalla (photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (JK) is monitoring the nickelore dilution process into ferronicles. Where, the smelter managed by PT Bumi Mineral Sulawesi (BMS) is located in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.

JK on the visit was quite proud because the smelter belonging to the Kalla Group company had started production after undergoing the construction process in the last five years.

"This was built in the last five years and we see the results have started to produce," said JK quoting Antara.

In addition, JK could not hide his pride because PT BMS succeeded in proving the ability of human resources from domestic workers.

"This is proud because this company uses domestic labor. Even 80 percent come from the sons of the Luwu area and its surroundings. Meanwhile, 20 percent come from several areas including Java," said JK again.

He stated that the production results from PT BMS were quite good and clean. The reason is, the smelter uses a hydropower generator.

The smelter, located in Bua District, is one of two Smelters in South Sulawesi that uses hydro power.

"With this energy source from water, the production results can be accepted in European and American countries," he said

The plan, continued JK, is that PT BMS will hold a soft launch in August 2024. Currently, PT BMS has employed 1500 workers.

Furthermore, JK also revealed that PT. BMS is currently building the second Smleter. Later, JK will also ensure that PT. BMS will rebuild its third and fourth smelters in the next two years.

With this development, it will open up thousands of jobs for the people of South Sulawesi and Indonesia.

JK stated that the factory 1 production target is 33 thousand to 36 thousand tons per year. And currently, the construction of a 2-factories for nickel sulfate raw materials for the manufacture of electric car batteries is 40 percent, estimated to start operating normally by the end of 2024.

Meanwhile, every smelter built requires at least 1000 workers. JK ensures that all of its smelters prioritize domestic workers.

He will likely only use workers from China in the consultant department.

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