Consumer Behavior Theory: Here Are Understanding And Also Factors That Affect It
Consumer Behavior Theory (image Erik Mclean - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard of the term consumer behavior theory? The reason is, consumer behavior is one of the very effective ways to formulate a product marketing strategy that you will offer.

By understanding consumer behavior, you will be able to determine exactly what steps you must do so that the product is accepted by the market.

As we all know, consumers are people or groups who use goods and services for personal interests, society, families or other creatures and are not for sale anymore. This means that consumers are people who take advantage of goods and services.

Before consuming these goods and services, consumers go through several stages. Among these stages, we need to understand the definition of consumer attitudes. As with the definition of other terms, consumer attitudes gain a lot of attention from experts in their fields. To understand objectively, here are the opinions of some experts regarding the definition of consumer behavior:

1. John C. Mowen and Michael Minor

These two figures explain that consumer attitudes explain a consumer in the process of ensuring decisions on a product, ranging from receiving, buying, using, and determining the goods and services used.

2. Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller

The attitude of consumers is how a person, either individually or in a group, takes into account, chooses, buys, uses, and evaluates a product in order to meet their needs.

3. Leon Schiffman and Leslie Kanuk

The behavior of consumers for both of them is how a consumer makes decisions so that they want to spend the resources they have to get what they want to consume. These resources include time, money, and energy.

Thus, consumer behavior theory is a theory in the form of research that studies how a consumer is looking for, choosing, buying, using, and evaluating products and services to meet their needs and willingness. Consumer behavior is the basis for consumers to make a product purchase decision.

The length of the process that consumers go through in behavior depends on the type of goods and services they want to choose. Products that have low selling value must go through a decision-making process that is relatively easier compared to products with higher selling value.

"You guys, make sure the products you consume are halal ingredients."

Factors That Affect Consumer Behavior

If assumed, each consumer always wants satisfaction or utility in every consumption activity carried out. Utility means that the product has a function of helping, useful, and profitable.

When viewed from an economic point of view, utility can be interpreted as product benefit when consumed. In other words, satisfaction can be said to be satisfied if consumers feel helped by the products you give. Therefore, consumers have a certain attitude so that they can take maximum benefits from buying and selling transactions carried out.

There are several things that can influence consumer attitudes, including the following:

I. Personal

The consumer's attitude can be determined from the person's personality. For example, the age, psychology, health, personality, lifestyle, economic situation, position, and self-concept of the consumer.

Psychological stages of a person consuming a product can be influenced by the maturity of one's mind and maturity, position shows a person's level of welfare and lifestyle, health affects what is permissible and should not be eaten or drunk.

II. Social

Social groups consist of families, residential environments, friends, and the community. This aspect has a fairly large influence in shaping consumer behavior because a person is raised in what environment. This affects how to consume a product.

For example, someone who is raised in a careful family in terms of finances will tend to prioritize so that they can suppress expenses that are deemed unnecessary. Meanwhile, a person who is raised in an area that likes culinary, tends to enjoy various culinary varieties to resolve his curiosity.

III. Culture

Cultural aspects are said to have a very broad influence compared to other factors. As we receive character education in schools, order can form habits. Habits can shape character. Nature can shape personality. As well as a cultured personality can shape a person's fate.

From here, we can understand that cultural position strongly affects behavior, will, instincts, ways of thinking, perceptions, values, and a person's preferences. An example of Eastern culture teaching to dress in a closed manner makes many consumers like to buy closed clothes, Javanese people who are used to eating by wearing their hands without a spoon makes sambal food in the style of selling disorder.

IV. Psychology

This aspect is influenced by the willingness of a person to be recognized, considered to exist, and accepted by the environment. Some psychological matters that influence consumer attitudes are a kind of motivation, confidence, self-esteem, learning processes, and others.

In addition, read also: 'Consumer Protection Needs to be a Top Priority for PUJK'.

So after knowing the theory of consumer behavior, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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