JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is trying to get the Jalan Pansela (Pansela) of Java to be connected from Banten to East Java (East Java).

Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja said, apart from reducing the traffic burden of Eid/turning Lebaran on the Trans Java Toll Road and Jalan Pantai Utara (Pantura) Java, the increasing condition of the Pansela road also supports the tourism potential of the southern coastal area to encourage the local economy.

"We continue to promote the Pansela Java route, so that people are interested in going south. Because not only the road is good, but also has beautiful views (panoramic road) and there are many tourist attractions," said Endra in a written statement received by VOI, Sunday, April 14.

The Pansela road section covers 5 provinces on the island of Java, namely Banten Province with the Labuhan-Batas intersection section of West Java Province along 170.09 kilometers (km).

In the 2024 fiscal year (TA), the Ministry of PUPR allocated a budget of Rp45 billion for road preparation work and a 170.13 kilometer Pansela Banten (km) bridge. One of them is Jalan Cilegon-Pasauran-Cibaliung and Citereup-Tanjung Lesung, including the handling of landslides in the Bayah-Cibarenok-Batas section of West Java Province.

Then, the Pansela section of West Java Province from the Banten-Sindang Barang Provincial Limit to the Provincial Limit of Central Java is 416 km. In the 2024 FY, further work is carried out in the form of road and bridge preservation of 444.4 km at a cost of IDR 280 billion, including substitution of the Cibareno Bridge (Cs) and Cilangla (Cs).

Then, the Pansela Cross Road in Central Java Province with sections starting from the West Java-Congot-Duwet Provincial Limit to Glonggong along 213.36 km. In FY 2024, the construction of the 120-meter (m) Tipar Bridge duplication was carried out.

Furthermore, the Pansela route for the Province of DI Yogyakarta with the Congot-Legundi section to Duwet is 118.39 km long. In FY 2024, the Pandansimo Bridge is 1.2 km long and the preservation of roads and bridges is 100 km long, one of which is Jalan Congot-Kretek-Legundi-Duwet.

Finally, the Pansela road for East Java Province with the Panggul-Sendangbiru-Jarit-Puger to Glenmore section is 628.39 km. In FY 2024, a budget of IDR 97 billion was allocated for the construction of 3.4 km of roads and bridges, one of which was the Bululawang-Sidomulyo-Tambakrejo road and bridge.

Meanwhile, this year, the Central Java-Bali National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) of the Directorate General of Highways also continues to handle roads and bridges along 202 km, including Pansela Street, Lumajang, Jember and Banyuwangi Regencies.

"The Pansela road is expected to improve road transportation services for the southern part of Java Island, especially in supporting smooth running and convenience of traffic flow," he added.

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