JAKARTA - PT Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda (JBS) as the manager of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road projects that the peak traffic volume (traffic) for the 2024 Eid holiday on the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road will occur today.

It is estimated that as many as 9,057 vehicles enter through the Palaran Toll Gate (GT) to Balikpapan City or an increase of 4.02 percent when compared to the peak of the Eid holiday in 2023, which is 8,707 vehicles.

"This spike in traffic volume is because people access the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road to visit relatives outside the city or carry out tourist activities to various favorite destinations around the Balikpapan Toll Road," said PT JBS President Director Muhammad Taufiq, Friday, April 12.

This 97.27 kilometer (km) toll road makes it easier for people to access tourist areas in Balikpapan and its surroundings. Some of the favorite tourist attractions in the Balikpapan area that can be visited when accessing the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road, including Lamaru Beach and Manggar on Mulawarman Street, precisely in Teriptip Village. For Lamaru Beach, it can be accessed through the Manggar Toll Gate (GT).

Toll road users who access GT Karang Joang can visit the Margomulyo Mangrove Forest to see various types of mangroves.

Meanwhile, toll road users who access GT Samboja can visit Bukit Bangkirai which offers the charm of tropical rainforests that are still natural and equipped with tourist infrastructure, such as restaurants, lamins for meetings and cottages and cabin jungles.

"Toll road users can also use Samboja GT access to visit the location of the Nusantara Capital Zero Point (IKN)," he said.

PT Jasamarga Balikpapan Samarinda appealed to toll road users to ensure that their vehicle conditions and body conditions are in prime condition, ensure the adequacy of electronic money balances, maintain driving speed in accordance with established rules, maintain safe distance between vehicles and obey traffic signs.

Toll road users can release fatigue at Rest Areas and Services (TIP) located at KM 36 towards Samarinda and KM 37 towards Balikpapan.

To obtain the latest information on traffic conditions on the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road, it can be accessed through various official information channels such as the Call Center 14080, the Travoy application, and the company's official social media account (Instagram @tolakpapansamarinda).

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