JAKARTA - Indonesia is known to have an oil field that has a potential reserve of up to 1 billion barrels which is believed to support national energy needs.

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said that the fire field, the Offshore Block North West Java (ONWJ) has heavy oil or heavy oil content.

Dwi also ensured that his party would continue to encourage Pertamina as a contractor to immediately develop oil fields that spread from the Thousand Islands to Cirebon.

"We encourage Pertamina to immediately submit its proposal. But what needs to be known is that the one for winning is heavy oil," Dwi told the media quoted on Tuesday, April 2.

With this heavy oil content, Dwi said that the RIGHT field is difficult to produce, especially since the location of this field is located in the middle of the sea or offshore.

"So on land, this heavy oil is developed by steam. It is included in steam so that it is disbursed and lifted. The problem is at sea, offshoe, so producing steam is a hassle," explained Dwi.

For this reason, he continued, SKK Migas together with Pertamina will learn how to produce heavy oil at Badminton Field using chemical.

"But of course the cost is expensive. But it's whatever. Friends are studying technology in the world that might be replicated," continued Dwi.

Previously, the Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) Tutuka Ariadji asked PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) to immediately work on the fire field.

Tutuka said, this field needs to be worked on immediately considering that this field has a heavy oil (HO) character and requires special equipment.

"The equipment is big, so there must be other technologies, for example with surfactants to dilute. So we encourage Pertamina to exploit it," concluded Tutuka.

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