JAKARTA - Pertamina through PT Pertamina Patra Niaga provides 1,792 additional Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) and 5,027 LPG agents Standby 24 Hours during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso said the Ramadan and Eid Task Force (RaFI Task Force) ensures that all Pertamina facilities and facilities (Sarfas) operated by its subsidiaries are ready to serve the people who will go to their respective destination cities.

Fadjar said, in the context of distributing BBM, LPG and Avtur, Pertamina through PT Pertamina Patra Niaga has operated 115 Sarfas BBM Terminals, 30 LPG Terminals, and 71 Aircraft Charging Depots (DPPU).

As for filling stations of more than 7,400 gas stations, 723 SPBEs and 48,207 LPG agents or outlets have also distributed energy to the community.

"To anticipate an increase in energy consumption ahead of the long holiday of Eid al-Fitr, Pertamina has prepared additional Sarfas which includes 1,792 gas stations, 5,027 LPG agents on standby 24 hours, 200 stand-by tank cars, 61 Pertamina Alert stalls, 54 motorists, and 281 Pertamina Delivery Service," said Fadjar while inspecting Pertamina gas station MT Haryono, South Jakarta, Monday, April 1.

According to Fadjar, according to the focus of the RAFI 2024 Task Force, from April 1 to April 21, Pertamina provides additional services in the homecoming route, tourist areas, flood-prone areas and disaster-prone areas.

"All facilities and facilities, starting from terminals, DPPU, and gas stations, both existing and additional Sarfas have been running and are ready to serve millions of travelers who will spend time on vacation with their families," said Fadjar.

Not only in urban areas, continued Fadjar, Pertamina also anticipates supply constraints to remote areas due to extreme weather such as in islands through built-up stock fuel since D-14 at gas stations and LPG stocks in Agents or Bases. In addition, additional tanks or modulars have been alerted at existing gas stations in remote areas or small islands.

"We are also intensifying communication with the Regional Government, as well as collaborating with the TNI-AL to assist KRI in transporting fuel or LPG to anticipate extreme weather, as well as 24-hour Call Center 135 services," he added.

In addition, Fadjar said that all Pertamina Subholdings that are members of the 2024 RAFI Task Force also ensure that their operations are ready to support the Company in welcoming the momentum of Eid homecoming and backflow this year.

In the upstream sector, continued Fadjar, currently through PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, Pertamina's oil and gas production in the March-April period is projected to increase. In April 2024 oil production is projected to reach 411 MBOPD and 2,462 MMSCFD gas.

"Pertamina is fully committed to maintaining oil and gas supply to ensure domestic refinery supply," he said.

Meanwhile, in the manufacturing sector, he said, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional ensures that crude oil stocks with a volume of 25.5 days and processing capacity reach 908,000 barrels per day.

On the side of transporting crude oil and fuel and LPG fronted by PT Pertamina International Shipping, Pertamina has alerted 318 tankers and an additional 8 buffer vessels during the period of the RAFI 2024 Task Force. Of these, 56 percent were for transporting fuel, 15 percent for LPG and the rest for transporting petrochemical products and other products.

Gas Subholding through Pertamina Gas Negara also ensures the reliability of household gas network operations, including Subholding Pertamina New and Renewable Energy which is ready to supply electricity from new renewable energy sources.

Accommodation and Health

Fadjar said Pertamina through its subsidiary such as Pelita Air has also alerted 11 fleets to be ready to operate. Pertamina Bina Medika IHC also fully prepared health services through its hospital network.

In addition, Patra Jasa as a subsidiary in the accommodation sector is also preparing hotels in various areas that can be used for people who want to take a vacation.

"Subholding and Subsidiaries carry out their respective roles and functions, so that the 2024 homecoming runs smoothly and safely," he said.

To monitor the process of real-time energy distribution in all corners of the archipelago, he said, Pertamina also utilizes digital technology which is controlled through the Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Command Center (PIEDCC).

"Through the Command Center, we also ensure that upstream operations, processing, transportation, all services and fuel stocks are safe and sufficient for the community's needs for homecoming and backflow," said Fadjar.

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