BOGOR - The government through the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) destroyed 11 commodities of illegal imported goods worth Rp 9.3 billion.

These items were obtained from the results of post-border supervision for the period January to February.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said that his party was concerned about monitoring. The goal is to protect consumers and the domestic industry.

"Many more of these enter illegally goods. There are 11 types, a value of Rp9.3 billion," he said at the event of destroying follow-up goods resulting from post border supervision, in Bogor, West Java, Thursday, March 28.

The details, he continued, are certain electronic products from Thailand with a customs value of IDR 266 million, chili powder and chili paste from China worth IDR 1.5 billion.

Then, chocolate powder from Malaysia is worth Rp. 600 million; soy sauce from Singapore with a value of Rp. 700 million; sambel sauce from Thailand Rp. 242 million, cassava from Malaysia Rp. 447 million.

There are also forestry products from Japan worth Rp452 million, solar panels, apple juice concentrate, then these sheet glasses are not in accordance with our post border supervision," he said.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, said that the goods were destroyed because they did not meet the import permit requirements, such as not having a surveyor report, not having import approval, and not having a goods registration number.

Furthermore, he said that the formulation of the 11 commodities had violated Permendag 51/2020 concerning the Supervision of Import Commercial Administration after going through the Customs Area.

"Therefore, there are 11 companies that will receive written sanctions that we can take part in the entry of these items," he explained.

For your information, article 3 in the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 51 of 2020 explains that the implementation of trading procedures for imports of certain goods is carried out through the obligation to fulfill import requirements by importers.

The requirements that must be met are that importers are required to properly list data on import requirements consisting of import licensing and surveyor institutions or LS.

If based on a special examination such as Importers it is proven that they do not fulfill their PI ownership obligations, do not fulfill the LS ownership obligations and/or realization of the amount or volume of imported goods exceeding the amount or volume listed in PI, followed by supervision and/or law enforcement in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

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