JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT SMI) noted that in 2023 it managed to record revenues of IDR 7.6 trillion. This figure jumped to 22.8 percent compared to the previous year, which was IDR 6.2 trillion.

"PT SMI posted revenue of Rp7.6 trillion, an increase of 22.8 percent compared to the previous year's revenue of Rp6.2 trillion," said PT SMI Director of Operations and Finance Darwin Trisna Djajawinata in a media briefing at his office, Wednesday, March 27.

Darwin said the company's gross income income also increased by 21.4 percent or reached IDR 3.8 trillion in 2023.

In addition, PT SMI's financing and investment activities have contributed to the construction of infrastructure projects worth IDR 727.3 trillion.

The financing commitment throughout 2023 is IDR 137.7 trillion. Meanwhile, the outstanding figure for financing and investment is IDR 91.3 trillion.

Meanwhile, gross disbursement in 2023 will reach Rp. 15.3 trillion, consisting of disbursement to business entities worth Rp. 15 trillion and to local governments of Rp. 255 billion.

In 2024, PT SMI will also remain committed to maintaining consistency in growth and improving its performance.

Meanwhile, PT SMI President Director Edwin Syahruzad said the company had prepared strategic plans and initiatives to become the focus of this year.

"The company's long-term plan (RJPP) 2024-2028 has just received approval from shareholders. Based on RJPP, PT SMI will increase its portfolio in expansion and leading sectors, such as water, health and waste management, which are considered underserved sectors. However, it actually has a high socio-economic impact," he said.

PT SMI will also strengthen public transformation through loan programs, namely public financing strategies with clusterization and strengthening research capacity through the SMI Institute.

Organizational strengthening is also carried out to support public transformation, including a global secondment program to the World Bank for Cross Learning Programs related to public financing.

In terms of energy transition, the company will strengthen its role as Energy Transition Mechanism Country Platform Manager.

"PT SMI is also preparing to establish a Trust Fund which has been started since 2023 with the issuance of the P2SK Law," he said.

The formation of this Trust Fund aims to manage grant funds in supporting infrastructure development in Indonesia. The Company will also play an active role in supporting the acceleration of infrastructure provision in the State Capital (IKN), one of which is through the Unsolicited KPBU scheme.

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