Indonesian Futures Clearing Successfully Books Profit Of IDR 60.7 Billion Throughout 2023
Photo: Special

JAKARTA - Members of the Danareksa holding, PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (PT KBI) managed to show positive growth. This can be seen from the net profit that was obtained of IDR 60.7 billion in the 2023 financial year.

President Director of PT KBI, Budi Susanto said that the achievement was obtained thanks to a consistent business strategy to focus on ecosystem-based business growth and supported by digitalization strategies.

Furthermore, Budi said that KBI's net profit was driven by operating income of Rp. 149.5 billion and EBITDA of Rp. 90.14 billion.

"The effort of PT KBI in welcoming this recovery period is to be more active in adapting to the needs of the Commodity Futures Trading ecosystem," said Budi, in Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

Budi said that when viewed from the line of business as a Clearing Institution, PT KBI's performance is directly proportional to its achievements in several business lines throughout 2023.

Furthermore, Budi explained that the transaction bonus on the Jakarta Futures Exchange (BBJ) which was collected at PT KBI for futures contracts and derivatives reached 7.8 million lots.

"Regarding the Barangan Tin Commodity Auction Market, the available Tin transactions were recorded at 48,400 tons with a transaction value of more than Rp. 19.6 trillion," he explained.

Of the total transactions, Budi continued, the domestic tin commodity auction market reached 2,154 tons with a value of Rp1.5 trillion, while tin transactions for exports reached 46,200 tons with a value of 1.1 billion US dollars.

Budi also said that the use of warehouse receipts reached 483 warehouse receipts which were registered with a volume of 61,500 tons worth Rp971.9 billion and financing of Rp626.7 billion.

"This figure exceeds the 2023 target which has been set through the GMS," he said.

In increasing user interfaces and experience from recording warehouse receipts, continued Budi, PT KBI has updated the IS-Ware Next Gen system to support its main task as a warehouse registration center throughout Indonesia.

Budi said PT KBI also launched the latest website to inform stakeholders and the general public as a forum to accommodate information disclosure and transparency.

"The achievement of positive performance in 2023 is a motivation for PT KBI to continue to improve services and various business innovations," he said.

In 2024, Budi also said that one of the new business initiatives that will be carried out is a trial at the Commodity Auction Market for tea commodities targeted in the first semester of 2024.

In the same year, various new business innovations were also in preparation, such as the development of PAL and Multilateral products with BBJ.

"In line with the better economic movement after various existing business initiatives, we are optimistic that in 2024 the performance of PT KBI will continue to increase compared to previous years," concluded Budi

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