JAKARTA - President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamurthi said the practice of mixing rice is actually a common thing in the world of extortion.
However, if what is used to mix is subsidized rice, it is prohibited by law (UU).
The statement answered the discovery of the alleged mixing of Bulog rice by the Malang Police, East Java.
The biggest problem is if there is such a mix, it's actually if he uses subsidized rice. Because thus there is a violation of the use of subsidized rice," he said during a discussion on SOEs, at the BUMN Meteoral Media Center, Jakarta, Monday, March 18.
"But if it's mixed rice, the diplos rice is actually a common practice in the world of extortion," he continued.
In addition, Bayu said that what is prohibited by law is if entrepreneurs run a business of extortion by cheating.
For example, continued Bayu, if the entrepreneur in the rice packaging that was sold included that the rice was Cinajur Head Murni rice.
"But it turns out that it is mixed in. Now it is subject to label laws, subject to fraud laws. Because he cheated on the type of rice," he explained.
"But if you don't provide information, the practice is actually a practice that is very common in the expansion business," he continued.
In addition, Bayu admitted that he had not received any information about the case. He said he would communicate with the local Bulog ranks to get clarity on the case.
"I don't know the story about Malang. I'll try to ask (the ranks) of Bulog in Malang first. Is there a case and how," he explained.
Previously, it was reported that the Malang Resort Police (Polres), East Java conducted an investigation regarding the alleged misuse of Bulog rice which was repackaged and then sold to the public at a higher price or the equivalent price of premium rice in the market.
Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Gandha Sayah Hidayat said that his party was currently conducting an intensive investigation after securing a number of people from a rice warehouse in the area.
"Currently an intensive investigation is still being carried out," said Gandha.
Gandha explained that the Malang Police Detective and Criminal Unit (Satreskrim) had sealed a warehouse in Kidal Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency, which was the venue for a number of alleged perpetrators to repackage Bulog rice.
The Malang Police Satreskrim confiscated a number of evidences in the form of Bulog rice which had been repackaged in five kilograms and 25 kilograms as much as one ton, and Bulog rice which was still packaged 50 kilograms as much as 1.2 tons.
"In addition, there is also evidence of 320 sacks of used Bulog rice, one electrical press, digital scales and sack sewing equipment," he said.
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