YOGYAKARTA - Investing is indeed something that must be done by people in order to have future capital. But do you know SR020 retail sukuk investment? And how to invest in the SR020 retail sukuk? Let's discuss it here!

SR020 is a halal, comfortable investment instrument and shares definite profits. Citing the website of the Ministry of Finance.go.id, Retail Sukuk is managed to be sourced in sharia principles, has no elements of Maysir (judi), gharar (unequivocal) and usury. The Retail Sukuk has been declared in accordance with sharia by the Indonesian National Sharia Council (DSN- MUI).

Not only labeled sharia, SR020 provides attractive and definite benefits. By buying SR020, you will receive a coupon, aka a fixed reward. The SR020-T3 series with a time of 3 years provides coupons or a reward of 6.3% per year. Meanwhile, the SR020-T5 tenor 5 year series set a coupon of 6.4%.

You will receive coupon payments every month, as long as you still hold this retail sukuk.

Well, investing in retail sukuk is currently easier with e-SBN. Through e-SBN, you can make purchases of SR020 anywhere and anytime online during the offering period of March 1-27, 2024. If you are interested, immediately contact one of the 30 Retail Sukuk distribution partners SR020.

The following are some easy steps to invest in the SR020 Retail Sukuk, reported from the Ministry of Finance.go.id page:

1. Registration

The registration process for potential investors through the Electronic System provided by distribution partners (Midis). Entering data includes, among others, personal data, single number of investor identity or single investor identification (SID), no account funds and no securities account.

Prospective investors who do not have a SID number, a fund account, and/or securities account, will be assisted by Midis.

SID is a single and special code issued by the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) as a storage and settlement institution.

2. Orders

After the successful registration, potential investors held a SR020 order by previously reading the requirements in the Information Memorandum. Orders can only be made during the SR020 offering period.

3. Payments

After the verification order (verified order), potential investors get a billing code via email/sms according to the policy of each distribution partner.

The payment code is used for depositing investment funds through perception banks (tellers, ATMs, internet banking, mobile banking) within the set time limit.

4. Confirm

After the payment, potential investors will get NTPN (State Revenue Transaction Number) as well as a complete order notification and will get an allocation of SR020 on the date of the schedule or issuance.

List Of 30 SR020 Distribution Partners Appointed Officially By The Ministry Of Finance

Bank Central Asia2. CIMB Niaga3. Bank Commonwealth4. Bank Danamon Indonesia5. Bank DBS Indonesia6. Bank HSBC Indonesia7. Bank Mandiri8. Bank Maybank Indonesia9. Bank Mega10. Bank Negara Indonesia11. Bank OCBC NISP12. Bank Panin13. Bank Permata14. Bank Rakyat Indonesia15. Bank Tabungan Negara16. Bank UOB Indonesia17. Bank Victoria18. Standard Chartered Bank19. Bank Syariah Indonesia20. Bank Muamalat21. BRI Danareksa Sekuritas22. Mandiri Sekuritas23. Bahana Sekuritas24. Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia25. Binaartha Sekuritas26. Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia27. Bareksa Portal Investasi28.FUNDtastic+29. Tanamduit30. Bibit Growing Together

In addition, for beginners who have just entered the realm of investment, it would be nice if you read: BSI Predicts Gold Business to be More Kinclong in 2024 to be more updated.

So after knowing how to invest in retail Sukuk SR020, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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