JAKARTA - The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) or Harita Nickel decided to increase the company's capital through a limited public offering by granting pre-emptive rights or rights issue.

"In the meeting, shareholders have given approval to the second agenda proposed by management, namely the plan to add capital through a Limited Public Offering by Providing Pre-emptive Rights where the number of shares to be issued is at least 10 percent and as much as 30 percent of the company's current issued and paid-up capital," said President Director of Trimegah Bangun Persada Roy Arman Arfandy in a statement to the media, Friday, March 15.

Roy said the Limited Public Offering would be carried out no later than 12 months after the approval of the EGMS by complying with applicable regulatory provisions in the capital article, including but not limited to approval from the capital market authority (if needed) and the final plan related to the purchase of shares in the target company.

He added that this limited public offering plan was a strategic step taken by Harita Nickel as an effort to continue to strengthen sustainable growth and business development.

The funds obtained from this corporate action will be used to support Harita Nickel's business expansion, including but there are no limited purchases of shares in companies engaged in refining nickel ore and/or other mining companies.

"We are committed to using the funds obtained from this corporate action wisely, in order to increase value for the company's shareholders and strengthen the company's sustainable growth," concluded Roy.

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