YOGYAKARTA What is consumer goods can be understood as a product produced by a company for its consumers. This term always appears especially in the retail world.

Please note that not all products and companies fall into the consumer goods category. To better understand the meaning of consumer goods, see the following article.

Consumer goods is a manufacturing company product that consumers can use directly. Simply put, consumer goods are finished goods that are ready for consumption by consumers.

Products that are included in the consumer goods category have previously experienced the raw material processing stage, then become semi-finished products, so they are ready to be marketed so that they can be used directly by consumers.

Meanwhile, the opponent of consumer goods is capital goods or industrial goods, namely semi-finished products that can be processed again into other products. Industrial goods products are usually purchased by manufacturers, while consumer goods are purchased by people from household circles.

Although in the form of finished goods and ready for consumption, consumer goods can be categorized into four types, namely as follows.

This type has a relatively long age. Quoted from Investopedia, durable goods are goods consumed by consumers with a service period of approximately three years. Usually this item is used repeatedly for a certain period of time.

This item is usually rarely purchased, but consumers sometimes consider buying this item back. Examples of items that include shopping consumer goods are as follows.

This item has a maximum consumption limit. This means that consumers must immediately consume this type of item with safety, taste, and so on. Usually the consumption limit is stated in the packaging. An example of consumer goods in the market is as follows.

Consumer goods products are not only in the form of objects, but there are also those in the form of services or services that are no less needed by consumers. An example of unsought consumer goods is as follows.

In Indonesia, there are many companies that produce products and services that produce consumer goods, namely as follows.

The company produces food products such as instant noodles, snacks, packaged beverage products, and so on.

Unilever produces various items needed by the community, ranging from toothpaste, bath soap, dish washing soap, and even cooking spices.

This company produces herbal products that can be used to maintain health and beauty. This product has a time limit for use or expiration date.

In addition to what consumer goods are, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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