JAKARTA - Oil and Gas (Migas) practitioner, Widyawan Prawita Atmaja, revealed that the role of the oil and gas sector is still very much needed amidst the energy transition issues that are often mentioned by prospective Indonesian presidential candidates during the campaign period.

Wawan, as Widyawan is known, said that with Indonesia's target to get out of the middle income trap, the need for energy still plays an important role in economic growth.

Wawan emphasized that economic growth above 6 percent cannot be done without being supported by the fulfillment of energy needs in the community.

"We will still collect energy. The running has something to do with our transitional energy, it must be in the context of low carbon development. The energy is needed, don't forget that gas is a bridge from fossil energy to New Renewable Energy (EBT)," said Wawan in a Media Briefing by the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), Thursday, February 1.

As a means of energy transition, said Wawan, gas is not seen as fossil energy but as carbon avoidance from coal which produces more carbon.

Wawan also emphasized that economic growth was also supported by several factors, one of which was consumption and investment factors. Wawan emphasized that investment coming from within the country is still not enough to support high economic growth. For this reason, investment from abroad is needed which can support economic growth targets above 6 percent.

"Inevitably there must be an in-evitational contribution from outside and we have the oil and gas sector. It's a shame if this is not continued," added Wawan.

He also did not deny the fact that the oil and gas sector is a business entity that invests and invests in the Indonesian oil and gas sector. However, the government has a crucial role in creating a conducive investment climate for investors who will invest in the country.

"They (investors) see from their resources and ease of doing business. Now, if we currently have momentum, there are big findings, especially from gas, so it is undeniable that this gas is dominant," concluded Wawan.

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