JAKARTA - In the midst of the challenges of the global financial market in 2024, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Perry Warjiyo is optimistic that Indonesia will be able to go through this which is currently happening.

Perry conveyed that in response to this condition BI had prepared 3 things, namely the first, Indonesia's success in maintaining the economic recovery process should be grateful.

"The recovery is reflected in increased economic growth, low inflation rates, and a strengthened Rupiah exchange rate," he explained Wednesday, January 31.

Perry added that the second step is that optimism is needed in facing various challenges in 2024, including increasing geopolitical tension that has the potential to withstand the process of disinflation and a sharper risk of global economic slowdown.

"Facing this, BI has launched technological-based innovation and transformation programs and digitization," he explained.

Furthermore, the third step, namely collaboration, is the key to facing challenges, including facing volatility in 2024.

Similarly, the Deputy Governor of BI, Aida S. Budiman, highlighted 3 main issues that were considered important to be a concern for the central bank, namely the dynamics in the global financial world in 2024 which began with optimism that required vigilance.

Furthermore, a key strategy to face challenges, where the BI policy mix strategy refers to Consistency, Innovation and Synergy (CIS) and foreign exchange reserve resilience needs to be maintained in anticipating economic fluctuations while still adhering to liquidity, security and profitability principles.

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