JAKARTA - The Marketing Service Agency for Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises or Smesco Indonesia will cooperate with Japanese companies to make packaging for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

President Director of Smesco Indonesia Leonard Theosabrata said that so far the packaging of MSME products has not been good. According to him, if Indonesia wants to develop, especially for the export of MSME products, there needs to be an increase in terms of packaging or packaging.

Therefore, he said it was necessary to cooperate with the company with the most reliable in terms of packaging, namely Japan.

"I also plan to go to Japan to meet the number one packaging company in Japan. Why? Because I think that if Indonesia wants to progress, the products are ready from the BPOM, from its quality control, it feels, the packaging must also be correct. If you want to learn packaging, learn from the best, Japan," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, quoted Friday, January 26.

The man who is often called Leo also did not rule out the possibility that the cooperation would later bring in investment, such as wanting to build a packaging factory in Indonesia. Thus, later MSME products can be more classy, especially in terms of packaging, in the international trade show event in the future.

Even so, Leo has not been able to confirm when the trade show will be held. He estimated the possibility in the third quarter of 2024. This is because his party needs to see first when foreign buyers will go to Asia.

"The point is, packaging must be better. So, the plan is still in the third quarter (2024) maybe. Because there is a cycle from this buyer, it must be considered when it will be in the Asian showcase regional. Maybe we can trade expo from the Ministry of Trade, we will look for more calendars later," he said.

According to Leo, by holding an international trade show, buyers will be able to directly interact with buyers. So, it is hoped that it can encourage MSME exports.

The plan is that the trade show will be held in Bali with a focus on the food and beverage and beauty and health sectors. Leo assessed that Bali is a place for economic turnover.

"I think the best trade show is what meets the buyers directly, but thematics and focus. We plan to be able to happen in Bali. Because in Bali it is for food and beverage, as well as well as wellness and beauty, it will be very good. There is also a special economic zone (KEK) in Sanur," he added.

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