The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance admitted that it was difficult to eradicate illegal auctions that occurred, especially individual auctions. Whereas illegal auctions can disrupt the domestic legal auction ecosystem.

Director of DJKN Auction Joko Prihanto said that it is very difficult to eradicate illegal auctions, especially individual auctions, especially the uncontrolled amount and mostly carried out on social media.

"The individuals are a bit difficult because they are massive, there are various kinds of social media on Instagram and Facebook," Joko said in the DJKN Media Briefing, Thursday, January 25, 2024.

Nevertheless, Joko Prihanto said that his party would continue to strive to eradicate illegal auctions because they could disrupt the domestic legal auction ecosystem. One of the efforts made is to provide a direct warning letter.

Joko Prihanto gave an example, there is one company that conducts illegal sale and purchase transactions of auction goods. However, the company does not have an auction permit from DJKN.

"After we gave a strong warning, they finally applied for permission to open the auction hall and along with the communication of the class 2 auction official," he said.

Furthermore, throughout 2023 DJKN has managed to record auction transactions of IDR 44.34 trillion. This value increased by 20.54 percent compared to 2022 which amounted to IDR 35.39 trillion.

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