JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia answered the assumption that nickel reserves in the country will run out in the next few years.

Bahlil said it could not be said that domestic nickel reserves would run out. He said, it must be proven after exploration.

"I'm sorry, who said who wants nickel to run out? Because of the nickel mine, we can't say that this reserve runs out or not, if we haven't explored it," he said at a press conference, at the Ministry of Investment office, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24.

According to Bahlil, nickel reserves that will expire within the next 10 years will only be sourced from explored blocks. However, said Bahlil, there are still many

areas or nickel producing areas that have not been explored, one of which is in Papua.

"Those who have been explored may live in 10 years and 15 years, but there are still areas that have not been explored and the areas are still in Papua, there are still many in Papua," he said.

Not only in Papua, said Bahlil, nickel reserves that have not been explored are also found in North Maluku, Sulawesi. In fact, it is believed that there are still many.

Currently, continued Bahlil, there are 100 nickel mining business permits (IUP) that have been revoked by the government. If explored, Bahlil believes it could reach billions of tons.

"So the information that is about to run out is misleading to me. Because we at the Ministry of Investment always think only of God, we believe, humans need data," he said.

Bahlil also poked at parties who did not agree with the downstream nickel. According to him, even if Indonesia only exports raw nickel ore, the mine still needs to be excavated.

"So we just export people, if we export it, it's not excavated, it's a mine? I used to be the mine player as well as the boss, so don't think about being misleading," he said.

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