JAKARTA - Member of Commission V DPR RI Gerindra Mulyadi faction received an audience from the Jagabaya Village Community in Bogor Regency who are members of the Lower Flow Community Movement (Gema Abah) at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, today.

During the hearing, Gema Abah, represented by Ishak, expressed his aspirations regarding the completion of damaged roads due to mining trucks in Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency, which often claimed victims from day to day.

Responding to this, Mulyadi claimed that he should listen and realize what Gema Abah asked to solve the problem on Jalan Parung Panjang.

"When communication seems to be stagnant and even clogged. Then, the direction of policy is only the wind of heaven that in the pick mark I no longer know where to go, so naturally I as a representative of my father/mother, who happens to be an electoral district (dapil) of West Java V, in this case Bogor Regency, bismillah, I am part of the effort to find a solution," said Mulyadi at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, January 22.

Mulyadi also shared his experience when he visited Jalan Parung Panjang some time ago.

At that time, he spent the night in a tourist destination called Dago.

Then, ride the Pandang Substation to see the view of Parung Panjang 350 degrees.

Sontak Mulyadi was amazed because the area was surrounded by an extraordinary gift from God.

However, he did not deny that the problems related to air pollution in the area were unavoidable.

"I am very aware, sir, because after visiting there, I also breathed Parung Panjang pollution. We have to fight not only for today's interests, but we have a responsibility for our children and grandchildren in the future. Don't let the problems we are facing, then we never try to find solutions, our children and grandchildren are affected," he said.

Therefore, Mulyadi admitted that he would immediately coordinate this with all members and leaders of Commission V DPR RI.

"Today we are present Mr. Ishak, we are looking for a solution together, we are trying to find a formulation that of course must continue to prioritize the rules, sir. In order for today's presence here so that we can convey our aspirations, we can equalize our frequencies, then we can equalize our goals to find solutions," he said.

Di sisi lain, Mulyadi mengklaim bahwa dirinya sedang untuk meningkatkan elektabilitas di masa pemilu umum (pemilu) 2024 mendatang.

However, he emphasized that the meeting he represented was solely to carry out his function as a member of the legislature, namely listening to the aspirations of the community.

"I just want to remind people who have feelings and think that this is in the interest of electability. You are wrong, why? Because the election will be February 14, but my age is not necessarily until February 14. So, I will not sacrifice this," he added.

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