Understanding, Excess And Lack Of Direct Marketing For Companies
Illustration of the direct marketing team (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA Direct marketing can be simply understood as a direct marketing activity. Before knowing the advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing, it is recommended to find out what direct marketing is first.

Direct marketing is one of the marketing techniques carried out by means of communication to consumers without any intermediary. In practice, direct marketing is carried out in various ways, ranging from face-to-face or with communication tools such as social media, telephone, and so on.

As with other marketing strategies, direct marketing also has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of business. The following is the excess direct marketing that must be known.

This strategy is quite effective in reaching consumers. The reason is, the marketing team can directly deal with potential customers. If the method used is right, prospective customers can immediately buy products.

Direct marketing will add to the company's personal communication experience with consumers. That way the opportunity to get a bigger royal customer. Consumers will also get to know the company better.

Product and company branding efforts can be done in various ways, one of which is through direct marketing. This method is more effective in helping brand awareness businesses to the fullest.

Direct sales also ensure that the products received by consumers are in good condition. This will also give a good impression on the company and its products.

Consumers in Indonesia are more confident in real products and companies. As a result, the company will be more trusted to meet consumer needs so that sales have the potential to increase.

Despite having various advantages, direct marketing still has shortcomings that must be known by the company and the marketing team. This shortcoming is as follows.

As is known, direct marketing is carried out using communication tools such as email or telephone. Prospective customers have the potential to consider the company doing this as a nuisance. Prospective consumers can immediately refuse sales even before listening to explanations.

Direct marketing activities are quite a hassle. The marketing team must know who their marketing target is so that they choose the right time so that clients are interested in explanations. Unfortunately, this difficulty is sometimes not proportional to the results obtained.

There are many direct marketing methods that can be done, for example by visiting crowded centers and then directly offering products. This method certainly requires many human resources to become a direct marketing team.

Apart from requiring a lot of human resources, direct sales also require quite a large amount of money. For example, companies must prepare facilities and infrastructure for sales teams such as vehicles, telephones, computers, and so on.

Before making direct sales, the company must carry out a long series of analyzes. If not, then direct sales will not be effective.

That's information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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