The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) reports that the progress of the development of the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of the State Capital City (IKN) as a whole has reached around 70 percent to date.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to hold a ceremony at IKN in August 2024. Meanwhile, it is targeted that starting in July 2024, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), including civil servants and PPPK will begin to occupy the new capital city area.

"Basically, all IKN development progress at KIPP 1A which is targeted to be ready for operation by August 2024 has reached 70 percent," said OIKN Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure Silvia Halim to reporters in The Westin, Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

Silvia said the progress consisted of basic infrastructure such as roads, drinking water drainage, government offices and ASN flats. "This is a total of 70 percent", she said.

He added, for the development of IKN in the area, both those using the State Budget and Expenditure Revenue (APBN) or domestic private investors will continue to process and are targeted to operate in August 2024.

"In addition to what is provided by the State Budget, there is also a private non-APBN that has carried out a lot of groundbreaking since October (2023). Basically, they are all on progress which is targeted to be operational this August, such as hotels and hospitals," he said.

According to Silvia, the construction of hotels in the archipelago itself has shown very rapid progress. Meanwhile, the construction of hospitals has slowed down a bit, reaching only about 6 percent.

"The progress is different, the fastest (progress) is hotel construction, that's 40 percent. The minimum is one hospital, it's around 4-6 percent," he explained.

Even so, Silvia targets that all infrastructure support will be operational in August this year. "However, basically everything will be targeted to start operating in August 2024," he added.

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