JAKARTA - The Task Force of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources recorded a positive performance in 2023 in terms of contributions to State Revenue.

Lemigas recorded revenue realization of Rp231 billion or 54 percent far above the target of Rp150 billion.

The realization of Lemigas' acceptance in 2023 is also the highest since Lemigas became the Public Service Agency (BLU) 14 years ago.

Head of Lemigas Ariana Soemanto revealed that the largest contribution of Lemigas revenue came from various service services in the upstream and downstream oil and gas sectors.

"Several service businesses that have contributed greatly to state revenue include studies and oil and gas exploration-exploitation labs, including geology and geophysics, seismic reprocessing, oil and gas reserve certification, joint study for the determination of oil and gas blocks, Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Capture Storage. In addition, testing the quality of crude and gas oil quality, including fuel and LPG used by the community. Downstream oil and gas studies also include testing biodiesel and bioethenol fueled vehicles, handling corotation, and studying the oil and gas environment," Ariana explained in Jakarta, Saturday, January 6.

He added that Lemigas is also trying to increase customer satisfaction through innovation.

In 2023, Lemigas opened 12 locations for testing the quality of fuel in the field (on site), so that it is closer to customers.

"There is also a biostrategraphic lab on-site lab in Papua. To participate in overcoming the pollution issue, Lemigas has just opened a vehicle emission test service," added Ariana.

In 2023, Lemigas also received an assignment to manage the natural gas transmission pipeline for the Semarang-Batang (Pipa Cisem Phase 1) section.

Lemigas cooperates with Pertagas as operators who can carry out business activities to transport natural gas.

For the initial stage, the Cisem-1 Pipe has started to flow gas to the industry since November 2023, while waiting for the construction of the Cisem-2 Pipeline (the Batang-Cirebon-East Kandang Haur pipeline) to be built this year.

For your information, Lemigas is a Public Service Agency (BLU) which is an agency within the government that was formed to provide services to the community in the form of providing goods and/or services that are sold without prioritizing profit and in carrying out activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity.

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