JAKARTA - Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin officially opened the first trade of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2024.

In his remarks, the Vice President also gave several directions for the development of the Indonesian capital market.

Ma'ruf conveyed that the first thing that must be considered is the level of innovation and the use of digital technology in services to investors.

"I want to convey a few things, first, increase technological innovation and digitization in the capital market. Besides being able to expand the base of investors and issuers, this will also facilitate access to the capital market and attract the younger generation and millennials," he said at the opening of the Indonesia Stock Exchange's inaugural trading, Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

In addition, Ma'ruf asked all capital market stakeholders to increase literacy to the public.

"Optimize and develop potential financing through the capital market by increasing literacy to the community," he said

Ma'ruf also requested that the stock exchange no longer be exclusive to large corporations, but also home to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and other communities. So that the IDX is not trapped in a comfort zone.

"Regarding public literacy, it should continue to be the work of the IDX through formal or informal education and investment literacy, it is closely related to investor decisions. Meanwhile, OJK has a crucial role in formulating policies that are inclusive and sustainable, and it is hoped that OJK can encourage equal access to finance, especially after capital," he continued.

According to Ma'ruf, the importance of synergy is to encourage larger IDX trading.

In addition, he advised all capital market stakeholders to improve trade performance and create a conducive and attractive ecosystem.

"Third, the network and synergy of stakeholders are to encourage increased stock trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange," he said.

Before closing his remarks, Ma'ruf also appreciated the achievement of Indonesia's high capital market performance.

"Let's welcome this year with optimism, enthusiasm and hard work so that the development of the country achieves a noble goal. May the opening of this trade mark the year of blessing for all Indonesian people." Ma'ruf concluded.

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