The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) ensures that during the momentum of the New Year holiday until the democratic party in 2024, the stock of industrial sugar raw materials will be safely maintained.

Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika said, although Indonesia experienced the impact of the long drought of El Nino.

However, this did not significantly reduce industrial sugar stocks.

"International goals have indeed increased tremendously compared to 2022, but thank God Indonesia has experienced anomalies. Well, until 2023 everything is fine, so no company has said he lacks raw materials," Putu told reporters, Friday, December 29.

"Although in the future there will be New Year's holidays and democratic parties, I think this raw material has been well maintained, especially in sugar, it has been well processed," he continued.

Putu emphasized that world sugar prices are high. He said the price of international sugar in 2022 is around 18 cents per pound, now rising drastically to 28 cents per pound in 2023.

Even so, Putu said it had little major effect on the price of sugar in the country.

This is due to an anomaly in which in previous years in November-December the company complained about the price and sugar stock, in 2013 this was not the case.

"Until 2023 everything is fine, so no company has said that it lacks raw materials. 'Why can we do that?' because in 2022 we will strengthen the stock for consumption sugar and industrial sugar," said Putu.

"Because industrial sugar is priced over from 2022 to 2023, while our sugar consumption strengthens the volume of stock. So, this has a good effect so far," he added.

Therefore, Putu emphasized that Indonesia does not lack sugar raw materials for some time to come.

"So, all of their needs can be met," he concluded.

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