JAKARTA - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) together with a Hong Kong company, Hong Kong CBL Limited (CBL) are collaborating to build an electric vehicle (EV) battery project. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said this collaboration is the first in the world to cover stages from nickel mines to battery cell and pack giga factorys, as well as recycling. "Congratulations to Antam, CBL, and IBC for the investment cooperation in the supply chain of the lithium battery ecosystem in Indonesia. This is the first in the world, covering stages from nickel mining to cell battery and pack giga factory, as well as recycling. This answers questions about downstreaming, where there is still much that can be done here," Luhut said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, December 29.

He emphasized the importance of efficiency and speed of project work considering the increasingly fierce global competition. Luhut also stated that project execution must adhere to high environmental and labor standards.

"We must be transparent with digitalization, and the execution of this project must be a standard example for similar projects in the future," he added.Luhut opens up to criticism of environmental issues and is committed to making improvements, including improving the mechanism and operating standards of procedures (SOPs). He also emphasized local employee training to follow high technology. "We must pay close attention to high quality environmental and employment standards in stages. Let's build an agreement that officials involved must be transparent, so that Indonesia can be an example of developed and transparent countries," said Luhut.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia menegaskan perlunya menerapkan standarf lingkungan dan ketenagakerjaan sebagaimana disampaikan Luhut."Selamat kepada tim Antam dan CBL. Implementasikan dengan baik standard lingkungan, rekrutmen tenaga kerja, dan upayakan meminimalisir risiko yang dapat merugikan," kata Bahlil.

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