SmartMedicare, New Insurance Product Innovation From AXA Insurance For Complete Health Protection Solutions For Indonesian Families
Photo: Doc. AXA Insurance

JAKARTA - PT AXA Insurance Indonesia (AXA Insurance or Mandiri AXA General Insurance/MAGI) launched its newest product, SmartMedicare, as part of the Smart Series introduced in 2023.

With the theme 'Smart Family Day Out', AXA Insurance invites Indonesian families to be ready to protect and support their children's dreams because the future should not be a risk. Various exciting activities for children and families such as fashion show competitions, sharing sessions, and interesting games.

In the event, the management of AXA Insurance was also present to carry out the launch process of SmartMedicare products which is also a ceremonial series of Smart Series products this year. More than 200 visitors attended, welcomed positively and enlivened the event.

SmartMedicare is a health protection solution for families with various advantages, including treatment benefits abroad, cashless payment of claims, limiting health benefits between family members, and the benefits of pregnancy, all of which can be obtained with affordable premiums.

"The pandemic teaches that health risks can attack at any time and have an impact on family finances. SmartMedicare is a form of AXA Insurance's commitment to protecting health with broad and diverse benefits. Now the Indonesian people can accommodate the growing need for health protection, in the midst of inflation. health costs," said Laurent Bourson, President Director of AXA Insurance, in his statement, Sunday, December 17.

Customers can choose protection according to their needs with a choice of six health benefits plans, both at home and abroad, with a wide range of services, ranging from Indonesia, Southeast Asia, to the rest of the world (excluding sanctions countries).

SmartMedicare can be owned by customers aged up to 80 years and can still be enjoyed when customers move domicile to other countries.

Several other benefits were also given by AXA Insurance through SmartMedicare products, including accommodating traditional Chinese medicine, physiotherapy to teleconsultation and home care (available on one of the Health plans).

Sebagai bagian dari ekosistem digital AXA Insurance, SmartMedicare menawarkan kemudahan akses pembelian secara digital di AXA myPage ( serta melalui jalur pemasaran lain,seperti agen, broker, ataupun mitra bisnis AXA Insurance. Klaim mudah dimanapun kapanpun melalui asisten virtual Emma by AXA (

The presence of SmartMedicare complements the series of Smart Series AXA Insurance products created for self, family, and businesses consisting of SmartTravels for travel convenience both domestically and internationally, SmartDrive for driving safety, SmartBusiness provides daily compensation to small and medium enterprises against unexpected events from life, health problems to businesses guaranteed by insurance policies. SmartHome for the protection of homes and property, and SmartMedicare.

"Through a variety of easy comprehensive protection solutions, AXA Insurance strives to be able to manage the future is not a risk, either in health, business, or assets. Let's realize a future free risk burden with the Smart Series from AXA Insurance. Because in AXA, we believe everyone has the right to it, optimistic and hopeful about the future," Laurent concluded.

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