JAKARTA - PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk. (VTNY) recorded a total revenue growth of IDR 100 billion in the third quarter of 2023, an increase of 125 percent compared to the third quarter of 2022. In line with this positive case, the company also managed to record a profit increase of IDR 6.7 billion, or grew by 57 percent from the same period the previous year.

Venteny's Founder and Group CEO, Jun Waide, revealed that there are a number of factors that encourage this achievement. The main supporting factor in the company's performance growth is the revenue of business-to-business (B2B) financial services, which is 59 percent of total revenue. Venteny has also succeeded in channeling active funding worth IDR 1 trillion from January to September 2023.

Jun conveyed this achievement emphasizing Venteny's position as a trusted partner for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in meeting their financial needs.

"This achievement is a tangible manifestation of our commitment to filling in the financing gap that is happening in Indonesia and responding to market demands that continue to change. We consistently innovate in improving integrated financial services and providing efficient holistic financial solutions for customers and business partners," Jun said in his official statement, Wednesday, December 13.

Meanwhile, the Venteny Employee Super App successfully contributed 41 percent of the company's total revenue. The service only contributed 9 percent in the same period in the previous year or year on year (YoY). This also indicates the success of the Venteny Employee Super App in providing solutions to improve employee welfare by meeting the needs of partner company employees.

Jun said Venteny's success until the third quarter of this year cannot be separated from the support and trust that has been given. In addition, he believes that innovation and collaboration have a strategic role in creating a sustainable ecosystem and providing added value to all parties involved.

Another effort made by Venteny to support the development of MSMEs in Indonesia is to consolidate business for PT Lampung Berkah Finansial Technology (Lanahan Sikam). Currently, Venteny has obtained an effective permit from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"This strategic step is part of our business movement in strengthening financial inclusion, especially by expanding access to financial services to various segments of society," said Jun.

The Sikam land is the first peer-to-peer lending (P2P) company outside Java which now has a wide network in Sumatra. Currently, the Sikam Land has distributed productive financing to thousands of MSMEs in the fields of plantations, agriculture, fisheries and livestock, especially in the Lampung area.

Jun said that Venteny deposited 51 percent of the Sikam land as a super lender, Venteny provided an opportunity for MSME players in Indonesia to get productive funding or growth funding to support their operations and business development.

"In the future, we are committed to continuing to provide access to smart and strategic fund management to encourage the progress of MSMEs towards the vision of Golden Indonesia in 2045," Jun concluded.

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