Types Of Stocks Suitable For Gen Z Investment: These Two Sectors Are Trusted To Be Safe For Beginners
Types Of Stocks Suitable For Gen Z Investment

YOGYAKARTA - In the interval 2020 to 2023, capital market and stock investors are recorded to continue to soar. And uniquely, currently, almost 10 million investors, are dominated by young people, aka gen z. What types of shares are suitable for investing in gen z?

Indeed, the stock investment has good prospects, but of course, not all shares match young people.

Although the required capital tends to be adjusted to financial expertise, the capital of the funds is definitely not enough. Sufficient knowledge is needed to optimize the shares, one of which is by sorting out the appropriate types of shares.

You can create various types of shares in the stock exchange. Starting from banking types, mining, and so on. However, for gen z, which are still newcomers, the following types of shares are considered more appropriate.

1. Banking sector

Stocks in the banking zone tend to have stable prices. Especially if it is supported by good corporate fundamentals, it will definitely make the expected yields even more.

Not only that, currently almost everyone has a bank account so that banking transactions will never fade. Starting from paying school fees, monthly bills, especially to carry out the sale and purchase of an object.

2. Consumer Goods

Another type of stock that can also be chosen is from the consumer goods zone. This business is even considered never to die because the residents' need for this matter is still there at any time. Examples of shares that can be purchased are such as UNVR, INDF, and so on.

When you want to invest in stocks, there must be some important things that must be observed. Thus, you will not feel harmed because of the fast investment dynamics. Here are some ways that need to be observed.

1. Set Finance in Detail

The initial thing that is worth observing is to ensure that you have good money management. Moreover, to be successful in investing, a decent capital is needed.

One of the tricks is to separate money from investment and daily necessities. Also ensure that the income you have is greater than expenses and debt so that there are still allocation funds for investing.

2. Investment According to Data and Facts

You can't just make an investment just because you follow the trend. Make sure to understand very well with investment and do an in-depth study of the company and the shares that will be purchased.

Ketahui kembali track record perusahaan, cek laporan keuangan perusahaan tersebut, sampai memastikan hasil analisis saham bersumber pada beberapa formula serta penghumuan. Selalu melihat kesempatan yang ada menurut analisis logis serta informasi pendukung.

3. Choose the Right Investment Product

Always make sure to choose the right investment product. Indeed, there are several types of shares that can be chosen. But make sure you sort the shares again into companies that are really understood and apply more in-depth analysis.

Those are some of the things about gen z shares. The younger generation at this time is already starting to realize how much financial literacy and investment means, but don't let you just get involved without preparing it carefully, yes!

Not only recognizing various information and investment strategies for the z gene in the stock zone, you need to apply these knowledges. You also need to know that the capital market does not affect the 2024 election.

So after knowing the type of stock suitable for gen z investment, see other interesting news in VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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