JAKARTA - Recent world sugar prices have continued to surge. Even so, the Head of the Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi ensured that the availability of sugar stocks in the country was sufficient until the end of this year.

"Alhamduliah, based on the national food balance prognosis peridoe from January to December 2023, the availability of sugar is projected to be sufficient and safe until this year," he said via video conference at the National Sugar Summit 2023, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 13.

Furthermore, Arief said the increase in world sugar prices was caused by several factors. First, due to the increase in production prices on farm and off farm.

"Then, the decline in production due to climate change, as well as export recurrence from several sugar producing countries," he explained.

Arief admits that this increase in world sugar prices will of course also have an impact on domestically producing dula prices. This is because domestic sugar needs are also still relying on imports.

Furthermore, Arief said that as of December 11, 2023, the average sugar price in Indonesia would be IDR 17,331 per kilogram (kg).

The increase in world prices is certainly large at the national price. Because of the need for 3.2 also tons per year, production in the merger is only 2.2 million tons per year. So that 30 percent of Indonesia's sugar needs still depend on foreign supplies," he said.

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