YOGYAKARTA - A large company is of course supported by marketing supporting products and services, and has professional human resources, especially those who understand how to manage marketing budgets. Want to know how to determine marketing budgets?

One way to successfully support the company is with the appropriate budget. Expenditure for marketing activities really needs to be considered.

1. Understand the Purpose of controlling Budget Marketing

Each business must have a different marketing goal, definitely with a different marketing budget control method.

So that the marketing process can run easily and successfully, you must first recognize what things the company needs. Know first what the company wants to achieve when carrying out the marketing process.

Untuk perusahaan yang baru dirilis pastinya mempunyai tujuan pemasaran yang berbeda dengan perusahaan yang telah lama ditembangkan.

Generally, companies that have just been released will make a lot of money for marketing. This aims to make the products they offer more known; brand awareness.

Generally they will not aim to make products have to be sold out, but the marketing process is only as a branding facility so that their products can be known first by the public.

2. Know Priority From Business

Saat sebelum mulai mengatur budget marketing, dulu mengerti segala pengeluaran yang diperlukan oleh perusahaan. Cari tahu berapa banyak pembayar yang diperlukan buat anggaran operasional, personel, perangkapan, serta yang lainnya.

After recognizing how many budgets are needed for the company, then you can only estimate how much budget will be given for the marketing process.

Usually for small and medium businesses, they will set aside approximately 5% to 10% of their income for marketing activities.

3. Know Market Target

When before confirming the marketing budget, of course you must also first recognize who the target market is to be reached.

If the target market is young people, of course the marketing method will not be the same as the target market for old people.

Young people love social media very much, so the promotional method that is very fitting to try is to use the platform.

Parents use less social media, so the promotion they are trying must also be different. From the comparison of promotional methods, it certainly requires a different marketing budget control method.

So recognizing market targets is very important because it can be used as a reference to ensure the required amount of marketing budget.

4. Ensure Owning The Resources Needed

The resources needed are not just a matter of money. Indeed, money is the most important thing to control budget marketing.

However, the resources here also include employees who function for promotional activities. For example, content creators, graphic design, web developers, or consultants.

Promotional activities will run more easily if there are people who are proficient in implementing these activities. So making a marketing budget is not only used for manufacturing fees.

Suppose that the company does not have a person who serves as the profession above, so it is necessary to budget for the necessary human resources.

Examples of Budget Marketing

After recognizing how to determine the marketing budget above, at this time we will see examples for managing marketing budgets.

Suppose that your company is the type of company B2B that has just started its business. This company has IDR 500 million to spend.

Here are some things that need to be observed to manage the marketing pay.

1. Inbound Content Marketing: 2025% (Rp100125 million)

In this digital era, content is the most important issue and can be used as the most efficient method for marketing.

There are quite a lot of digital content ranging from videos, webs, podcasts, infographics, and many others.

2. Marketing email: 510% (IDR 2550 million)

Marketing emails are also very much needed in this digital era. You can share special offers from products via this marketing email.

3. Search Engine Marketing Type PPC And Advertising on Social Media 2025% (Rp 100125 million)

Promoting products through SEM is also very efficient. You can use such PPC (Pay Per Click) services on search engines such as Google Ads.

Advertising on search engines can increase the number of website visitors so that they are better known. Likewise, advertising on social media such as Instagram or Facebook is also very much needed for branding.

4. PR and Influencer 2025% (IDR 100125 million)

If you want the product to be known to the public faster, the payment for media events also needs to be budgeted. Not only that, using influencer services also needs to be taken into account because it can make products more famous.

5. Website 1015% (IDR 50-75 million)

The web can be likened to a digital store for a company. So maintaining the web so that it is always updated and has an attractive appearance must be done.

6. Offline promotions 10-15% (IDR 50 70 million)

Even though you are currently in digital age, you still need to make a budget for offline promotions. The budget for offline promotions can include making billboard advertisements on the road or holding events.

So after knowing how to determine marketing budgets, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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