JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) through the task force of Srikandi or female employees of PLN throughout Indonesia presents free electricity for pre-sesejahtera residents.

Through the Srikandi Movement program which has been implemented in ten cities, at least 474 houses have received electricity connection assistance.

PLN Finance Director Sinthya Roesly and General Chairperson of Srikandi PLN said the program being carried out was part of the work program of Srikandi PLN in infrastructure workstream and environmental social responsibility (TJSL) for vulnerable communities.

"With the hope that the electricity connection will be used productively to improve the quality of education, the family economy," said Sinthya in an official statement, Sunday, December 10.

Sinthya said that electricity assistance was realized in the form of installing electrical installations, kWh meters, operating-worthy certificate fees (SLO), new connection fees and filling in the first token.

Furthermore, Sinthya explained, the Srikandi Movement program this time has been implemented in the Provinces of Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, West Java, East Java, Bali, Bangka Belitung, North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Papua.

"The Srikandi Movement program does not only stop here, there are still a number of activities that will be carried out by PLN Srikandi to involve themselves in social actions," he said.

Sinthya also said that in this program, Srikandi PLN went directly to the field to survey prospective beneficiaries, approach and provide knowledge regarding the use of safe electricity.

"In fact, through their competence and capacity, Srikandi also went down to install kWh meters," he said.

On the other hand, Sinthya hopes that this program can help contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ensuring clean and affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, namely the level of electrification ratio.

Hal tersebut juga merupakan implementasi program pemenuhan pelayanan dasar masyarakat yang masuk dalam kriteria dari Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), ucapnya.

This program was also able to realize Uchi's dream (70 years old) to have electricity. This resident from Sukaresmi Village, West Bandung Regency is grateful to finally be able to connect electricity after waiting for 18 years.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful for the free electricity connection program for Srikandi PLN. So far, I have only depended on connecting electricity from a neighbor's house, finally after 18 years my house can be electrified," said Uchi.

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