JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will still review the plan to continue the Jabodebek LRT project so that it penetrates the Bogor area, West Java. Several aspects of the study are also being prepared.

The Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal, said that his party was still conducting a study as a follow-up to Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 49 of 2017. Risal said that the plan for the continuation of the development had been stated in the regulation.

The Presidential Regulation contains the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2015 concerning the Acceleration of the Implementation of Light/light Rail Transit Integrated Trains in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi Regions.

"We also study that the same thing, because that's still following up on the Presidential Decree, yes, for the construction," he said at the Jabodebek Halim LRT Station, Jakarta, Thursday, December 7.

Furthermore, Risal said, one of the things that became a concern in the study was the route or route that the Jabodebek LRT would go through to Bogor City.

"We're still studying which direction the route is in," he said.

Risal said there are three options for the location of the Jabodebek LRT station in Bogor. Pertamw, the Baranangsiang area, near the Bus Terminal in Bogor City. Second, in the Ciawi area. Finally, the Tanah Baru area.

"There are (plans) to go to Baranangsiang, right, there are also proposals to go to Ciawi, there are also to Tanah Baru first. But finally to Baranangsiang again the information," he said.

Furthermore, Risal said, the Jabodebek LRT route will likely be on the side of the Jakarta Bogor Ciawi (Jagorawi) toll road.

"Through Jagorawi for sure, right," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) requested that a study on the construction of the Light Rial Transit (LRT) transportation mode for the Bogor route be carried out immediately.

"I also immediately ask for the LRT development study to us Bogor. Because if we look at the LRT, which is now full of things," said Jokowi.

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