The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to strengthen collaboration with a number of international partners to improve the quality of Indonesia's vocational education.

One of them is by cooperating with the German and Swiss Governments in workshop activities on Strengthening Institutional Management Vocational Institutions. "Recently, the collaboration between BPSDMI Kemenperin and international partners in the application of dual system vocational education, among others, is through the implementation of a series of vocational activities by cooperating with the German and Swiss Governments," said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry Masrokhan in a written statement. received by VOI, Thursday, December 7th. Masrokhan said that his party will continue to strengthen collaboration and cooperation with various stakeholders, both from within and outside the country regarding the application of vocational education in accordance with European standards. "In addition, there is training for international workplace coaches Batch 6, Training Master Trainer for International Worksplace Coaching in 2023, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Structured Independence Guidelines which will run from October to the end of November "2023," he said. Meanwhile, Head of the Center for Industrial Vocational Education Development (PPPVI) Emmy Suryandari said, the workshop for Strengthening Institutional Management Vocational Institutions is a collaboration of various stakeholders aimed at strengthening the promotion and quality of the VET system in Indonesia "As well as providing innovative solutions in polytechnic management that are able to face global and future challenges," he said. Emmy added, this series of vocational training activities as well is a form of BPSDMI's commitment to produce competent and global competitive industrial human resources through the implementation of education and vocational training. "This is in accordance with the spirit of the Indonesian Government as outlined in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 68 of 2022 concerning the Revitalization of Vocational Education and Vocational Training," he added. The activities carried out from October 30 to November 3, were attended by 36 participants from the Ministry of Industry's higher education unit, Kemendikbudristek, Kemenparekraf, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The workshop was the result of collaboration between BPSDMI and Switzerland through the Skills for Competitiveness (S4C) Project also presents facilitators with international qualifications from the International Training Center of International Labor Organization (ITC-ILO) and also invites SwissCham and domestic industrial partners. Furthermore, in the development of the vocational partnership between campus and its industrial partners, BPSDMI is fully supported by GIZ Germany, Switzerland-S4C, and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to train the skills of workplace coaches according to best practices in European countries through the implementation of the Batch 6 International Workplace Training (ICT) on 6-12 November 2023, which made the total participants of the entire ICT Training series 380 people.

On 13-20 November 2023, BPSDMI with GIZ Germany and Swisscontact-S4C resumed the implementation of vocational activities by holding a Master Trainer Training for International Worksplaces in 2023 with the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the IHK Trier which were attended by 16 participants from the Regional Industry and Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

This series of vocational activities was then closed with the implementation of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Structured Internship Guidelines by BPSDMI in collaboration with Swisscontact-S4C, SwissCham, and Kadin Indonesia on November 21-23, 2023, which was attended by 50 participants from the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Ministry of Industry's higher education unit and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The results of this FGD become a reference for companies and vocational educational institutions to start the dual system vocational education and training program

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