KESDM Ready To Give Strict Sanctions To Companies That Do Not Implement Pascatambang Program
Mining illustration (Photo: dock. Antara)

BERAU - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) reiterated the importance of post-mining activities to provide welfare as well as a sustainable increase in added value for the community around the mine.

Head of the Communication, Public Information and Cooperation Service (KLIK) Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agus Cahyono Adi, said his ministry would not hesitate to take firm action and impose sanctions if there were companies that did not carry out post-mining programs.

"This post-mining program must be part of the mining company's planning. We will carry out supervision and impose strict sanctions according to the legislation if there are companies that ignore this rule," Agus told the media, Thursday, December 7.

Agus added, this is in accordance with what is mandated in Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining by requiring Indonesian mining companies to carry out post-mining reclamation and corporate social responsibility through the Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) program.

Agus Cahyono added that compliance with post-mining programs must be in line with the needs of the surrounding community and accompanied by firmness in supervision by the government.

Agus admitted that so far mining companies have committed to carrying out reclamation and PPM in a sustainable manner and have made various efforts to restore former mining land and provide benefits to the community around the mining area.

"Reclamation and PPM management have a positive impact on various parties, namely preserving the environment, improving the welfare of the surrounding community, and building a positive image of the company," he explained.

For mining companies, the implementation of good mining practices or Good Mining Practices (GMP) is the key to realizing a responsible mining industry that is in line with sustainable development principles.

The GMP is a commitment and operational standard that includes all aspects of mining activities, ranging from exploration to post-mining. The essence of GMP is to ensure that mining activities are carried out by maximizing the benefits for the surrounding community and minimizing negative impacts on the environment," explained the Corporate Communication Superintendent of PT Berau Coal Rudini Rahim when met in Berau.

He said the mining industry itself has the potential to contribute to economic development without sacrificing environmental sustainability and community welfare.

"Compensive implementation of GMP, the mining industry can leave a positive trail for the community," said Rudini.

GMP itself includes various practices aimed at reducing the environmental and social impacts of mining activities.

Some of GMP's main practices include careful planning and design, effective water management, air pollution control, reclamation and rehabilitation to community empowerment and social responsibility.

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