Observer: MSME Actors Can Win The Digital Market
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Digital Business Observer from Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas Surabaya Hariadi Yutanto said Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia were able to win the digital market through content marketing.

"MSME actors do not need to worry about facing the opening of the global market, because there is a solution to continue to compete. One of them is by creating content marketing or content systems," said the man who is familiarly called Antok, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

Antok explained that the existence of content marketing is very important for the MSME business because it can attract consumer attention. Because the king of digital marketing is content.

He revealed, there are many extraordinary things that can be gained by creating content with the Hook Story Offer (HSO) technique, hooks are hooks of content in the first 3 seconds.

"This hoax is the life of the content created, if the hook is interesting then our content will be watched without a skip, then it will be followed by a story consisting of problems faced by prospective audience candidates who are answered with solutions and benefits by our products/services in content," said Antok.

Then the last one, is Offer or it can be called Call To Action which consists of 3 there are such as Limited Price, Limited Product, limited Period.

"Hook and story are softseling and offer is hardseling that is in marketing content, with HSO techniques it is hoped that they can bring in targeted traffic and be able to build brand awareness. Distribution will meet the target market, so it is right on target," he said.

He said messages in content marketing could encourage potential buyers as new consumers, or at least to introduce MSME products to them. So that MSMEs can penetrate to the widest possible consumers.

"Especially if the content created is interesting and relevant for the audience, they will most likely respond to the content with enthusiasm. Content should be used as a habit for MSMEs in promoting products," concluded Antok.

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