JAKARTA - The Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) signed a collaboration with interior design services with the Philippines.

The signing of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) cooperation agreement for interior designs was carried out in Jakarta, on Monday, November 20.

The head of the LPJK of the PUPR Ministry, Taufik Widjoyono, said the purpose of the collaboration was for the development of interior designs between the two countries.

"This cooperation includes partnerships in interior design construction services, both in Indonesia and the Philippines," Taufik said in a written statement received by VOI, Tuesday, November 21.

Taufik added that Indonesia's cooperation was represented by the Indonesian Interior Designers Association (HDII), while the Philippines was managed by Professional Regulatory Commission.

The scope of cooperation includes providing interior designer mobility facilities, exchanging information to encourage the implementation of the best practices on interior design education standards, as well as professional practices and qualifications in the distribution of human resources through collaborative research.

In addition, it is also to promote interior design education and training, as well as interior design research and innovation.

This includes not limited to academic exchanges, workshops, exhibitions, competitions, college guests, internships, and to establish technology transfer commitments between the two parties.

According to Taufik, this collaboration is not only a bridge to the development of construction service human resources in the interior design sector, but also explores technology and innovation that can be applied in the construction service sector.

"So, it needs to be used in the context of partnerships and transfer of knowledge in order to keep national construction service actors from having more opportunities and being competitive," he said.

He assessed that with the increasing volume of construction work in the last few years and subsequent years in Indonesia, it would certainly invite many foreign construction service business entities engaged in Indonesia, including from the Philippines.

"I take, for example, contractors from the Philippines are building hotels or maybe ambassador offices in Indonesia. Now, this collaboration is a bridge to strengthen those that have been established. So, we will all know who the workers are," he added.

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