JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan called for the importance of reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO). One of them is the restoration of the function of the appeal agency (appellate body) and dispute resolution.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Trade at the Ministerial Meeting of Economic Cooperation Asia Pacific (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministerial Meeting/AMM) in San Francisco, United States on Wednesday, November 15.

According to him, WTO reforms need to be continuously encouraged to ensure the success of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (KTM) in June 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland.

"This effort can be done by reforming the WTO, in particular restoring the application body function and resolving disputes. I believe the answer to the challenges we face today is a more fair and inclusive multilateral trading system," Zulkifli said in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday.

In addition to WTO reform, the Minister of Trade also emphasized the importance of resolving negotiations at the WTO which included balanced discussions on agricultural issues and public stock holding (PSH), fishery subsidies, intellectual property issues, and electronic commerce (e-commerce). The Trade Minister reminded that APEC bears the responsibility to address environmental issues.

"APEC must deal with environmental problems fairly and inclusively. We need to ensure that trade policy does not become a hidden protectionism instrument in the form of environmental concern," he said.

Indonesia also agrees with APEC's economy that the key to equitable economic growth is ensuring that trade and investment profits can be felt by all groups.

The Trade Minister said that Indonesia views the importance of trade and inclusive investment, the benefits of which must be felt by all people.

Furthermore, Indonesia continues to strive for the empowerment of women and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the international market, facilitate access to finance, and encourage MSMEs led by women with added value sectors.

The Trade Minister also voiced Indonesia's view of the situation in Gaza which is getting worse. He said sustainable and inclusive development is inseparable from humanitarian elements in any part of the world.

"Indonesia pays the highest attention to the deteriorating situation in Gaza and strongly condemns the military's actions against society and civil facilities in Gaza. Violence must be stopped, the ceasefire must continue to be pursued," said the Trade Minister.

The APEC 2023 Ministerial Meeting discussed among them inclusive economic and trade policy measures to provide benefits and promote a just and equitable future in the Asia Pacific region.

In this regard, it was discussed by San Francisco Principles on Integrating Inclusiveness and Sustainability into Trade and Investment Policy which summarized the principles to improve APEC's efforts in formulating sustainable and inclusive trade and investment policies.

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