JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the regulation of the contactless toll payment system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) will be signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the near future.

He said the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) related to MLFF was already in Jokowi's hands and would be signed after the Head of State returned from the United States (US).

"(The RPP related to MLFF) is in the harmonization process, it is at the president's desk. The president will return this week, right, he can sign," said Minister Basuki after being met at the Hunindotech 4.0 event at The Westin Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

The MLFF trial itself, which was originally scheduled for June 1, will certainly be carried out in the second week of December 2023.

"So, after the trial, we will evaluate it for two weeks. At the end of December we will evaluate it, if it is good and successful we will expand it. I remind you that changes from cash payments to non-cash payments through tapping e-toll cards have challenges," he said.

Likewise with the transition from tapping an e-toll card to an MLFF system, said Basuki, there was a change in attitude and discipline from toll road users.

Basuki said that during the transition period and MLFF trials, his party continued to operate bars or barriers at toll gates to prevent potential loss or potential loss.

"We will use the barrier at the toll gate first, later if the vehicle registration data improves, then we will remove the barrier. Barriers at this toll gate are to prevent potential loss," said Basuki.

According to the plan, there are six (6) toll roads in Jakarta that will be implemented by the contactless toll payment system if the trial in Bali is successful.

"(Six segments) around Jakarta. (Trial) in Bali is limited, so if there is anything, it's not too chaos. Later when it's successful, it's only in Jakarta, in urban areas first," he said.

For your information, MLFF is the latest technology in the world that processes payments automatically for vehicles passing on toll roads.

Through this technology, toll road users can enter and leave without having to stop to pay.

This is possible because MLFF uses System Satellite Global Navigation (GNSS) technology, which is a system that allows transactions through applications on smartphones and reads via satellite, so that readers' tools on every place on toll roads such as RFID-based technology provide more effective cost solutions.

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