YOGYAKARTA - Many people are interested in becoming entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs rather than working in offices or as civil servants. There are many business fields that can be engaged in to earn income as entrepreneurs. If you are interested in undergoing this profession, first know the types of entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur is someone who works as an independent entrepreneur or opens his own business. An entrepreneur is not just trading or selling products, but must be able to develop his business, providing innovations, and expanding his business.

The digital era as it is now making it easier for entrepreneurship activities to run faster and more massive. The business world is growing to create several types of entrepreneurs in different fields.

Entrepreneur is a person who is good at solving problems and presents changes through built businesses. In Indonesia, there are many types of entrepreneurs that are developing, which are distinguished based on the goals they want to achieve.

Here are some types of entrepreneurs that you need to know if you want to pursue this profession:

An entrepreneur has two goals in running his business. Sociopreneur comes from a combination of two words, namely Social and Entrepreneur, which means managing a business to achieve profit while providing social benefits to many people.

Sociopreneurs produce goods or services that are beneficial to society at large, while still benefiting from their business. They have aspirations to create a better world through the products they produce. For example, the owner of usbisa.com is a sociopreneur. This platform helps facilitate public funding through crowdfunding systems.

Technopreneur is an entrepreneur who uses technology as a basis for running his business. Business in the field of technology moves quickly so that the impact can be felt by the community significantly.

The success of technopreneurs often makes it easier for them to attract investors to support their business. Several examples of globally successful technopreneurs in building their businesses are Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook, and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Ecoperreneur is a type of entrepreneur who runs a business while caring about environmental conservation. The main principle of ecopreneur is to run a business that has a positive impact on the environment, such as producing environmentally friendly goods, inviting consumers to recycle product packaging, and similar actions.

Foodpreneur is an entrepreneur engaged in the culinary field. Foodpreneurs are always sensitive to the opportunities and trends that develop in the culinary industry, including in terms of food and restaurant design.

Foodpreneur is currently growing rapidly in big cities, along with the high consumer interest in food. An example of a successful foodfrepen in Indonesia is Johnny Andrean, owner of J.Co Donuts & Coffee.

Mompreneur is a type of entrepreneurship that is done by housewives. Mompreneur has special challenges in maintaining a balance between running a business and managing a household. A mompreneeur shows that housewives have the potential to become creative and independent entrepreneurs.

The next type of entrepreneur is very productive in creating works with high levels of creativity. Entrepreneur artists have a strong awareness of their actions in the business world. Examples of figures who fall into this category, including Aamir Khan who founded Dell Michael Dell, MC Cormich from EMI, professional Garin Nugroho in the field of film, Ayu Laksmi and Sujiwo Tejo as writers.

Those are the types of entrepreneurs that you need to know if you are interested in running a business or being an entrepreneur. You can become an entrepreneur in one of the fields as mentioned above. To make it easier to run and develop business, so choose a business field that is controlled or closely related to your background.

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