JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Franchises (AFI) and Neo Expo Promosindo (Neo Expo) returned to the national exhibition, Info Franchise and Business Concept (IFBC) 2023 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD Tangerang on November 3 to 5, 2023.

Director of Trade Business Development of the Ministry of Trade, Septo Soepriyatno said that his party will continue to be committed to supporting national entrepreneurship to achieve the entrepreneurship ratio growth target of 4 percent by 2024.

"We must be optimistic that Indonesia's trade is increasing and the Indonesian economy is getting better. Therefore, entrepreneurship must get very great attention," said Septo during the IFBC 2023 exhibition at ICE BSD on Friday, November 3.

According to him, this exhibition will be a one-stop service entrepreneurship for a number of leading business brands with the theme "Empower entrepreneurship" or "Beyond Entrepreneurship".

The exhibition, which has entered its 17th year and the 164th time, is expected to be a place of education for visitors during the exhibition.

At this exhibition, IFBC 2023 collaborated with 180 business brands, franchises, partnerships, investments, distributors, agencies, and trusted business supports to give birth and create economic growth.

Based on the annual report on franchise activities received and processed by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021, there were 15,594 self-managed outlets and 5,599 foreign outlets, which were able to absorb 53,670 workers with a total turnover of 32.5 trillion.

With the growth of local brands of 40 percent in 2020 to 2022. The growth of franchises in Indonesia is recorded as per October 2023 as many as 142 domestic franchise givers and as many as 137 foreign franchise givers who already have the legality of the Waralabat Registration Certificate (STPW), this number is up 5 percent from the previous year," said Septo.

Various Programs To Support Entrepreneurship And Prospective Entrepreneurs

Carrying the theme of interpreting entrepreneurship (beyond entrepreneurship) IFBC 2023 presents a variety of insights in business and entrepreneurial education, partnerships, and franchises (franchise).

These events include Inspira Talks Sexy Opportunities for Tourism Business in New BALI, Low Budget High Impact MSME Marketing Strategy with Adythia Pratama, Building World Class Brands with Creative Storytelling with Klemens Rahardja, Inspira Talks Tiktok Optimization for Waralaba with Edho Zell, UMKM Product Curation towards the Japanese Market with ASEAN Nagoya Club Japan, inspiring entrepreneurial discussions, and a variety of interesting business talks on the stage.

The importance of the Legality of the Partnership will be discussed with the Legal Box and Legal Contract. Exhibition visitors had the opportunity to discuss and consult businesses together with Legal Consultants from Jun Cai Law Firm & Partners on the top floor and a number of Business Consultants such as; Ben Warg Consulting, Sarosa Consulting Group, DK Consulting, and FT Consulting in separate sessions in consulting rooms.

This golden opportunity and Rare Moment only lasts 3 days. Visit, explore and participate in inspiring activities during the exhibition and be prepared to become the next successful entrepreneur in Indonesia. Because, everyone can become an entrepreneur.

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