JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the presence of the Integrated Cooperatives and MSMEs Business Service Center (PLUT-KUMKM) was able to improve product quality so that MSME actors could advance to class.

"This PLUT is an approach that is carried out continuously, using an incubation approach. So, MSME actors will be well developed and raised. Only in this way, we can produce new business people. Don't let MSMEs run without guidance," said Minister Teten in a written statement received by VOI, quoted Tuesday, October 24.

Teten said that his party was building PLUT-KUMKM in various regions to assist MSME actors so that their business scale could continue to grow.

PLUT-KUMKM will also be used as a place to evolve MSMEs that also provide good packaging facilities. Thus, in addition to getting assistance, MSMEs are also assisted to develop businesses and connect with enablers.

"We are also building a joint production house, a common maklon for MSME products. In Garut, we are building a joint production house for fashion products so that they can produce products that are in the same class as Italian-made products. Each region is different. Downstreaming is important to prepare Indonesia in 2045 as a developed country. We have great potential for that," he said.

Furthermore, Teten said, that the government is currently preparing a downstream program that can later be utilized by MSME actors.

"Why does it need downstreaming, so that MSMEs are no longer independent. We have to place MSMEs in the industrial supply chain. If we compare it with China, the export is 70 percent of MSMEs, because they are part of the industrial supply chain. So, the supply is from MSMEs," he explained.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of West Java Beyxi Machmudin said the presence of this PLUT-KUMKM was a real step to advance MSMEs in Bandung and West Java regencies in general, by providing integrated services and training needed by MSMEs.

"I hope these PLUT-KUMKM will also be present in many areas in West Java. We are sure that PLUT-KUMKM will help business actors to advance from the informal to formal sector. With the help of the Kemenkop UKM, it will provide market access, increase productivity, and provide added value to MSME products," he added.

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