YOGYAKARTA - When it comes to applying for a loan or investment in banks, customers need to understand bank interest. Whether it's in savings, deposits, and borrowing money, they have their own interest. One thing that customers should know is what a bank major interest is.

Majemuk flowers are a familiar term in the banking world, as an advantage when saving. Majemuk flowers are usually given as a sign of return or compensation given at the end of every month. This type of interest is indeed more profitable in savings and investments than loans.

Although both are in the form of added value, the method of calculating the majemuk flower is different from the single interest rate. So what is the bank's major interest and what does it function for?

Majemuk flowers are a term of the type of interest counting based on the initial amount of savings coupled with the accumulation of flowers in the previous period. In the first period, interest calculations were the same as single interest. Then in the second period, the calculation refers to the number of savings for the first period. The concept of this calculation will continue for the next periods during active savings.

So the majemuk flower is a flower that is not only obtained from the initial total savings. But interest is also obtained from the total amount of interest previously during the savings period, it is still active. The number of interest will continue to increase according to the increase in the principal value plus interest from the previous period.

The concept of pluralism is usually found in various banking and investment products. Majemuk flowers can provide greater benefits for customers if they have savings or investment in the long term.

There are differences in function in banking and investment major interest. The following is a compound interest function that you need to know:

The compound interest used for consumer loans has high value, such as motorcycle credit, home loans, car credit, electronic equipment credit, household appliance credit, and others.

In these types of loans, the plural interest system will charge high installment payments to borrowers. This is enforced because the resulting interest is getting bigger over the length of the installment period. So the value of the compound interest tends to be large every month, especially if the borrower pays in a high amount of principal.

The compound interest system that is applied to investment products tends to benefit investors. In investment activities, the compound interest has a positive side which is inversely proportional to the loan function. When the major interest rates are involved in investment, investors will automatically get big profits.

Perambahan bunga setiap bulannya akan mengikuti nilai hasil kembalian investasi. Maka dari itu banyak manajer keuangan yang menyarankan investor memiliki jangka waktu paling panjang untuk investasi. Semakan lama investasinya, maka nilai hasil kembalian investasi akan lebih tinggi pula.

How to calculate the bank's major interest is quite easy as long as you know the formula. The method of calculating the majemuk flower is different from how to calculate the single interest rate. The following is the formula for the bank's major interest rate:

With this method or formula, customers can calculate to find out the final value of savings or loans after going through the compound interest process for several periods.

Demikianlah review apa itu bunga majemuk bank dan cara penuhinya yang perlu diketahui. Koncept bunga majemuk ini sangat cocok sebagai investasi jangka panjang untuk memiliki passive income.

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