JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) made adjustments to the price of non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM) as of October 1, 2023. There was an increase in prices for the Pertamax Series and Dex Series fuels. Despite the increase, Pertamina claims the price is still competitive.

Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, said that as a form of education regarding the price trend for fuel products, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Pertamina's Subholding Commercial & Trading (Persero) periodically makes price changes for non-subsidized fuel products.

Irto said, this price adjustment was carried out in accordance with applicable regulations following the trend in the average price of world oil publications, namely the publication price of the Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS)/Argus in the period from 25 to 24 in the previous month. As well as the rupiah currency exchange rate.

"Referring to the average MOPS period from August 25 to September 24 and the influence of the rupiah currency exchange rate on the US dollar, Pertamina Patra Niaga has evaluated and returned to make periodic price adjustments for the Pertamax Series and Dex Series valid as of October 1, 2023," he said in an official statement, Sunday, October 1.

For the Pertamax price, it will be adjusted to Rp14,000 per liter, Pertamax Green 95 to Rp16,000 per liter, Pertamax Turbo there is a price adjustment to Rp16,600 per liter, Dexlite to Rp17,200 per liter, and Pertamina Dex to Rp17,900 per liter.

Irto said, this price applies to provinces with a motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) of 5 percent, such as in the DKI Jakarta area.

"The price of Pertamina's non-subsidized fuel products is also ensured to remain competitive for products with equal quality," said Irto.

Irto explained that the determination of this new price had referred to the formula for pricing according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 regarding the JBU price formulation or non-subsidized fuel.

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