PHE ONWJ Accelerates Equity Of Renewable Energy Transition
Illustration of the refinery (intermediate dock photo)

JAKARTA - Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) accelerates the equitable distribution of the renewable clean energy transition through the installation of solar power plants. This transition is collaborated with local energy resources.

"PHE ONWJ wants to be present in the community by opening access to renewable energy and supporting the government's efforts in the transition to renewable energy," said PHE ONWJ Head of Communications, and CID Ery Ridwan quoting Antara.

His party is committed to building a sustainable business, as reflected in the company's business process which refers to the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects as well as supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially related to climate change management.

"Recently at the end of last week we implemented the use of renewable energy in the Merbabu Asih Diversity Village, RW 08, Larangan Village, Harjamukti District, Cirebon City," he said.

Ery explained that in this area, renewable energy is used to meet electricity needs at four program points, including environmentally friendly batik manufacturing centers, hydroponic gardens, MSME galleries, and waste management banks.

"The four programs that Pertamina has initiated in Kampung Keberagaman last week are part of the company's social and environmental responsibility," he said. This program is also an implementation of Pertamina's commitment to make villages around the operating area become independent in the energy sector.

This power plant is expected to have an economic impact on the beneficiary community because it can cut expenses for electricity needs.

Kampung Keberagaman dikenal sebagai kampung di mana penghuninya tetap hidup secara tahun meski berbeda dalam percayaan. Keberagaman di tempat itu terjadi secara alam, sebab kampung itu merupakan sebuah perkombangan yang dihuni masyarakat lintas etnis, lintas suku, dan lintas kultur.

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