Indonesia Has a New International Goods Terminal in NTT, Facilitating the Flow of Goods to Timor Leste
Container (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has just inaugurated the Motaain International Goods Terminal (TBI) in Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The presence of this airport is to facilitate the flow of Indonesian goods to Timor Leste.

Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, explained that the inauguration of TBI was a follow-up to Presidential Instruction number 6 of 2015 concerning the Acceleration of Development at 7 (seven) Integrated National Border Posts and Supporting Infrastructure in Border Areas by constructing an International Goods Terminal (TBI) in National Border Post area.

"One of the seven Cross-Border Posts is the Motaain International Goods Terminal, which we will soon inaugurate and immediately put into operation with the aim of facilitating the flow of goods from the Republic of Indonesia to Timor Leste and vice versa," he said in an official statement, Monday, September 18.

There are six other TBIs that have been built on the borders of other countries, namely Entikong, Nanga Badau and Aruk on the border of West Kalimantan and Malaysia, Skow on the border of Papua and Papua New Guinea and Wini and Motamasin which are currently in the construction process.

“Border areas are at the forefront of having an integrated area. "Not just TBI, but an area that can meet the needs of the people of Motaain and its surroundings," explained Hendro.

Furthermore, Hendro said that the most important thing about this infrastructure development is that it is beneficial for the community. He also said that there would be space specially prepared for local communities to build Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Apart from that, he also appealed for synergy between the central and regional governments to continue to be built to improve transportation services.

In the operation of the Motaain International Goods Terminal (TBI), there are several agencies that provide services, namely Customs, Immigration, Animal and Plant Quarantine, National Border Management Agency (BNPP), Regional Government and other related agencies.

"With this International Goods Terminal, it is hoped that it can improve the economy of East Nusa Tenggara and even Indonesia to increase our competitiveness," said Director General Hendro.

On the same occasion, the Acting Governor of East Nusa Tenggara, Ayodhia G.L. Kalake said that the construction of the Motaain International Goods Terminal is a manifestation of improving services and of course transportation infrastructure in the border area.

"We hope that this terminal can be used to increase exports and imports from Indonesia and Timor Leste and to meet logistics needs and of course can improve the economy of the surrounding community," concluded Ayodhia.

It is hoped that with the construction of TBI in Motaain, the economy of the surrounding community and the flow of imports and exports can run well.

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