JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) will roll out Indonesia's chocolate artist program and chocolate craft for the world as one of the priority programs in the future.

This step is to encourage the development of the cocoa and chocolate industry in Indonesia, especially on the downstream side.

"We have developed key programs, ranging from entrepreneurial facilitation, R&D support and innovation, industrial implementation 4.0, and most importantly, namely international promotion and branding in order to strengthen and advance the growth of Indonesian artist chocolate," said Director General of Agro Industry. Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika in his official statement, quoted on Monday, September 18.

Putu said, with the innovation and application of technology, currently there are 31 Indonesian artist chocolate producers who explore 600 different and unique types of Indonesian chocolate flavor profiles.

Artists process cocoa into bean-to-bar chocolate products with a capacity of 1,242 tons per year.

"The current share of the artist brown market is only 1.3 percent of the potential for the 10 percent brown market in Indonesia, so the potential for development is still wide open," said Putu.

According to Putu, the artist's chocolate product has a high added value by taking raw materials from high-quality cocoa beans at premium prices.

In comparison, the artist's chocolate product has an added value of 700 to 1,500 percent, while the usual chocolate product has an added value of 100-300 percent.

"Artisan chocolate producers also implement sustainability and sustainability and tracing programs for cocoa beans, so that they can meet foreign market requirements such as the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)," he said.

For your information, Indonesia is the third largest exporter of processed cocoa products in the world and contributes 9.17 percent to the global market.

The export value of this processed cocoa product reaches more than US$1 billion per year to key markets, such as the United States, European Union, India, and China,

Meanwhile, based on data from the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) in 2022/2023, Indonesia currently ranks seventh as the largest cocoa seed producer in the world, and is the third processed country of processed cocoa products in the world after the Netherlands and Ivory Coast.

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