JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has started the construction of Flats (Rusun) for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Security Defense Employees (Hankam) in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara, East Kalimantan, as many as 47 Rusun Towers.

Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto said the construction of 47 ASN-Hankam towers was a support for the gradual transfer of ASN to IKN starting in 2024.

"The construction of 47 flat towers that have started using APBN funds worth Rp9.4 trillion. The rest will follow the construction of flats with funding for the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) scheme," Iwan said in his official statement, quoted Tuesday, August 29.

Overall, 47 ASN-Hankam flat towers have a total of 2,820 units with a type of 98 square meters for each unit. The construction of flats consists of 31 flats for ASN with a total of 1,860 units.

Then, the Hankam Flats consist of seven flats for National Police and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) as well as nine flats for the Presidential Security Forces (Paspampres) with a total of 960 units.

"Each tower is 12 floors high, consisting of 1st and 2nd floors used for the fasos/fasum podium (fitness, public space, etc.), while the remaining 10 floors are for housing. Each unit is prepared for three bedrooms. So, in one unit there are each bedroom for one person, "said Iwan.

Iwan said the construction of 47 ASN-Hankam towers was carried out for 19 months with a complete target of completion in December 2024.

The ASN-Hankam Flats are located in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) and IKN sub-WP 1A with a total area of 45.91 hectares (ha).

"The Ministry of PUPR in this case is tasked with ensuring the certainty of the availability of infrastructure and facilities in IKN, while the IKN Authority will later regulate the details about filling or occupying the tower," he said.

Iwan said that the IKN Authority has a responsibility to ensure the operation of the management of the flats that have been built by the Ministry of PUPR, in order to create small ecosystems in residential areas that are habitable with all infrastructure to support the activities of residents at IKN.

In the construction of the ASN-Hankam Flats in IKN Nusantara, the Ministry of PUPR applied at least three criteria for implementing development with the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) or Environment, Social, and Governance (LST).

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