YOGYAKARTA Did you know that not all buying and selling transactions on the internet are carried out in e-commerce, there are also transactions carried out in social commerce. Both of them become places of sale and purchase electronically. However, there are differences in social commerce and e-commerce that must be known by the public.
Please note, the term e-commerce is now more popular and widely understood as a place for buying and selling on the internet. In contrast to the term social commerce which is not widely known. Here are some differences between the two.
What underlies the difference between social commerce and e-commerce is in terms of understanding. In general, e-commerce is understood as an online platform that is designed for the product buying and selling system. The transaction process is carried out through online platforms so that sellers and buyers do not need to switch to websites or other applications.
Meanwhile, social commerce refers to buying and selling activities carried out through social media, the platform which was originally intended for activities to build social networks in cyberspace. Buying and selling activities in social commerce can indeed be done but the features available are usually not as complete as the features owned by e-commerce.
Usually the choice of names used as brand identities in e-commerce does refer to shopping activities. For example, Shopee's name refers to the word Shoping which means shopping. In addition, there are Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and so on.
Meanwhile, in social commerce, the brand identity chosen is wider. It's just that they provide buying and selling facilities for their users.
In e-commerce, the interaction between sellers and buyers is usually more limited while the social commerce interaction can be wider. For example, interactions between sellers and e-commerce buyers are usually only done through private messages or reviews. Different on social commerce where the interaction process can be done through private messages, comments columns, and even reviews.
Transactions carried out in e-commerce are usually easier and more practical than social commerce. Transactions can be done directly through e-commerce so that e-commerce can become a medium for storing money in and out.
In contrast to social commerce, payment transactions are carried out through third parties or outside platforms such as banks.
Companies that organize online commerce or e-commerce must have permission from the competent authority. This is a form of supervision so as not to harm the community.
The storefront of products available in e-commerce is usually more monotonous than social commerce. This is done by considering many things including needs and effectiveness.
E-commerce users are usually automatically grouped. They use the e-commerce application with the intention of looking for or offering a product. Meanwhile, in social commerce, users' goals are more varied, such as finding entertainment, building a friendship network, and so on.
Social e-commerce usually has more complete features and accommodates various purposes. In contrast to e-commerce features whose features aim to make it easier for users in buying and selling transactions.
That's information about differences in social commerce and e-commerce. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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